WORLD WARS ariae from the Power Motive of racial rule of earth and trade. But adversity oft outwita intent, - War whlch an almost mortally woundad earth has deoreed decadent as a ruling force and which portenda not longer may peaceful, freedom-loving people be enslaved, and left to mourn at the grave of their liberfcy and civic life. Liberty forever ha8 the continuity of right to combat the acta of barbariam and aggreasion.
Llberators also priority of right and reaponalbllity to maintaln order until the majority of the whole of a country takea over orderly control - but not the right to aggresa.
Revolt of the majority ever the right of reform within their own frontiers and lf asked, the right to liberate - but not aggresa, another people who like themselves were oppresaed*
As championa of huraan liberty and aa yictora of the most monatrous crime of ataviatic sayagery of all time it la absolut ely inexousable that we should be guilty of aggresałona of our own which the modern world has decreed the greatest wrong.
Such an evil cuatom has become the abuse of power, by the rapid transit of tona of death across space of the ahorelesa aerial sea of only one frontier, of atmospiheretwhich nonę can isolate or escape, and of magnltude ao appalling, that the only remedy for thia malignant malady of deatroying force ia des-tined to be a fully armed collective peace, alert and alive to deliver a declsive ahattering blow at the drop of the first enemy bomb. War and Peace cannot co-exist in a world with this ąuickened pace of time. All people of unbiaaed dealre of dolng good, havo the right to denounce and oppose the evil of every kind and form of aggreasion, and be undertaklng determlned to establiah a security eąuality of a world rfemooracy of peace.
And alike the right to criticise addressed not to persona but to acta and events which are out of step with modern tlmea*
Liberty haa come of age. Unfortunately one of our Alliea has still to be influenoed and affiliated with the principle of this new reform, and abandon being profit tempted to proaper by the abuse of power# If being a realist is the use of force to coerce and aggresa, Germany then has the better right to so express*