1. Marek Brodzkla Janusz Walczak: Analysls of the power propertles of two-terminal receivers with nonslnusoidal waveforms ln certaln spacea of almoat periodlc functions.
I. Structure of the quality index of deformed currents 7
2. Marek Brodzklt Janusz Walczak: Analysls of the power properties
of two-terminal recelvers with nonslnusoidal waveforms ln certaln spaces of almost periodlc functions.
3. Janusz Walczak# Marian Pasko: On a certaln problem of passive
one-port LC synthesis ......................................... 31
4. Marian Pasko: Selectlon of one-ports for the compeneation of the reactance component of the current of llnear load supplied
with nonslnusoidal periodlc voltage ........................... 45
5. Marian Pasko: Synthesls of compensation networks for some
classes of 3-phase networks ................................... 63
6. Jenusz Walczak, Marian Pasko: Qualitative comparative analysls of the choosen orthogonal decompositlons of 3-phase load
currents ln spaces of perlodical functlons .................... 77
7. Maciej Slwczyńskl: Determlnate and probablllstlc difference
equatlons ln multl-value logie 91
8. Andrzej Drygajło: Filter banka uslng fast Hedamard - Haar
traneform8 .................................................... 1°3
9. Bernard Baron. Zygmunt Garczarczyk: About Identification of electrlc arc voltages ln a three-phase are fu nace ............ Ul
10. Jan Chojcan, Jacek Izydorczyk: Computer - alded tlme domain
sensitivity analysls of llnear networks uslng IZT1S program .. 123
11. Zygmunt Garczarczyk: Predlctlve - corrective method of the
analysls of nonlinear reslstlve clrcuits ...........•.••••••••• 141
12. Lesław Topór-Kamińskii Nonlinear SC network with a voltage
comparator .......••••••••••• .............................«... 151
13. Eugeniusz Kałuża: On 9ome aspects of selectlng electrochemical accumulator energy sources for mlxed electical supply (hybrld) carrlages
account ....................................................... 179
15. Marian Pasko: E9timatlon of the possiblllty of the compensation of unwanted current components of a summetrlc 3-phase periodl-cal nonslnusoidal voltage source loaded with llnear load •••••. 169
14. Tadeusz Skoczkowskl: Mathematlcal model of lnduction heatlng of pipes taklng the Influence of thyristor sypply 60urce into