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fell< and wolves will howl the crags and canyons of this wilder-ness world of ruins.

The Allles of peaoe if they themselves oppresa and llke Germany Yiolate frontiera - to exploit and profit by the apoila of war. Whatever then are we fighting for. Unfit then are they aa leadera of World Security and Peace* Why cling to the separ-ate aovereignty mf force, and fear the collective sovereignty of peace?

Where the good of going baok to borrowed balancea of power -with history shouting, that auch alli&nce conceita will be the enemiea of tomorrow%like Oennany naw in reverae of being an Ally« when she helped to win the battle of Waterloo*and that the defeat of Gennany will not be the end but the beginning of greater world wars, when then the mock of mediocrity will rejoice and aing ita derisive defeateat 80ng, at our folly that wara can only from Germany come while othera are allowed to aggress*

Abolish theae bargain spherea of foroe, whlch ever are the standing challenge of conflict and disaster. Poland for whoae defending Britain went to war, the right of this defend-ing has not been lesaened by thla war* Ruaaia joined in the doing of dividing Poland, when Germany moved in, knowing that Britain was not in a position to fight her as well es Huna, bat when she herself beoaipe the viotim of outrage atrocity and torturę, would have gone down if left to fight alone and morę than ever the need will she have of futurę unity of collectiYe security*

Many amall deserving States unwlttingly were by this wretched war drawn in - fighting only to retain or regain their freedom* and their Atlantic Charter righta defend, and aggresaor assiatance forced to accept, to recover losa frotn the"workers ari8en master asaault, mistake of a greater sphere of force, the firat with violence to offend and who for many years in neighbour affairs interfered and envied and coveted their poas* easions,and then as ruthless opportunists taking their homelands and homes by force in defiance of recognized codę of right of modern world reform, which at the tlme waa by the whole world condamned*

Poland and Baltics all as enlightened peaceful people entitled are, to pre-war frontiera*

Can liberator nationa be united to assault ciYic order and make war on democracy?


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