
I am in a fortunate position In this respect that I can write a much stronger letter than you, because I am a Scottish clvilian and it ćoes not matter to me what Mikołajczyk thinks of me.

For your private Information, I would add that I am a Conservatlve and entirely Independent. With every respect to your Party, lf Poland ls to be Bnved, lt will be malnly by Conservatlves in the House of ConKnons.*’ You have many good frlends there who have far morę Influence than the Soclall8t8. Churchill will not find them 00 eaay to brush aside as he did the stuold Mr. Bevln.

When you get this letter, ask Jur to send me a telegram. Address the telegram "Quality, Coatbridge", and make the message very elear without mentloning names. "You should send the letter” or ”Do not send the letter".

If I write to Mikołajczyk, you must trust me as to what I write. I shall certalnly tell him that if he knows anything about "The 0b3erver” Special Correspondent, he is playing a pretty stupid gamę.

I understand that Pragier is coming to Glasgow and I will try to arrange to meet him.    If you come


later, come as rrlme Minister, not as Soclalist. If vou have “to play Soclalist tune,'1 put on the "soft

m    1 ^ /s •    .    /

Good Łuck to you in the very brave effort you are making for your country.

Yours faithfully,

A.M. Pettigrew.


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