Taylor & Francis
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Journal of Liquid Chromatngraphy (f? Rrlated Technologies, 33:936-947, 2010 Copyright & Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1082-6076 print/1520-572X Online DOI: 10.1080/10826071003765890
1 lnstitute of Chemistry, Silesian Uniuersity, Katowice, Poland
1 Department of Pharmacognosy, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
'*Department of Incrrganic. Chemistry, Medical Umuersity of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
□ Essenlial oils of plant origin are Ihe muUicomponent mbclures of mono-, di-, tń-, and sescjuUerpenes. lhie to their rerognized euralive, cosmetic, and nutńlional properlies on the one hand and an oulslanding modem anabylic.al polenlial on the olher, qualilalive and quanlilalive composition of essenlial oils currenlly is in the foc.us of interesl for phylochemislry and pharmacognosy. Due to the rerognized yolalilily of the essenlial oit componenls, in their rasę the an aby lira l melhod of choire is gas chromalography with mass speclromelńc delerlion (GC-MS). Howeuer, great yersalility of plannr chromalography has resulled in a number of successful applicalions of this relatwely simple and inexpen.sive separalion lerhnicjue to the invesligalinns on composition of the yolalile plant consliluenls as we U. Generally, the law temperaturę preparatwe layer chromalography (PLC) is used for preliminary fraclumalion of the essenlial oils, and the separated fraclions are furlher anabyzed by means of GC-MS. In this sludy, we scrulinized a possihUity of using the Iow temperaturę analylir.nl thin-layer chromalography (TLC) to fingerpńnling of the essenlial oils orig-inalingfrom thefive Hifferenl sagę (SaJviaJ species, i.e., S. lavandulifolia, S. staminea, S. hians, S. triloba, and S. ncmorosa. We also used the law temperaturę PLC for the preliminary fraclumalion of these essenlial oils pńor to the GC-MS analysis. U was shown thal the Iow temperaturę Tl.C ran suc.cessfulby be applied to fingerpńnling the differenl sagę fSaJviaj species. Fraclionalum of Ihe essenlial oils from Ihe sagę species by means of the Iow temperaturę PLC pńor to the GC-MS analysis is also possible, allhough indwidual slages of the approach slill need an addilional oplimizalion.
Keywords essential oils, GC-MS, Iow temperaturę planar chromalography, PLO-densitometry, Satuia espe., terpenes, TLC-densitometry
Addrcss correspondence to Teresa Kowalska, Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia, 9 Szkolna Street, 40-006 Katowice, Poland. E-mail: teresa.kowalska@us.edu.pl; Monika Waksmundzka-Hajnos, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Medical University of Lublin, 6 Staszica Street, 204)81 Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Monika.Hajnos@am.lublin.pl