No tfrróng when aincerc cin cvtr bc in vjk. The molo of our effom might again bc taken up and carried further by ehe General Assembly.

•The Interim Commirt cc did a gooJ jeb. The generał debatę włuch took pbcc herc contiincd a uealth of wise auggeations which mott sureły will be greathr heJpfid co the General Assembly when it tackles agam a scttlemcnt of this difficult problem. The ąoestion ot the futurę dcsdnacion of Eritrea wi» entrusted to the General Assembly for a aolution, and ihc General Assembly cannot test at ca*e before it acttles that qucstion in accordancc wiih the prin-

oplet of the Charter and to the advanugf of che people of Eritrea.

*ln view of che auctneły short cime which rcmaim before the operung o: the General Awembly session. 1 suggest that the hrw coocse coc us to foBow it co rcqucst our Rapponeur to make his report to the General Awembly incorporacing in it this suternem of ihe Chairman.*

II. The Interim Committce concurred in the iug-gestion of the Chairman.

Document 6

• • General Assembly resolution concerning the report of the United Natións Commission for Eritrea and the report of the Interim

■ Committee of the General Assembly

A/RES/3K) (V).*2 Dtccmbcr 1950 :


Whcrcas by paragraph 3 of Annoc XI to the Trcaty of Pcaee with luly, 1947, the Powera eoncemedhavt agreed to accept the recommendaopn of the General Assembly on the disposal of the form er Julian colonie* in Africa and to takc appropriate menueta for gmng effea to k,

Wherejj by paragraph 2 of the aforcaaid Annex X] soch diipoaal ii to be madę in the light of the wiahes and w elfarc of the inhabiunts and the iatemta of peace and security, takirg into ccauder aoon the vicwa of inttrestcd gornnmcms,

Now tbtrefor*

7bt General Aitembfy, in the lighc of the repom 1/ of the United Nariona Cooimission for Eritrea and ot the Interim Committee, and

Ta kiinto conuderation

(a)    The wiahes and wclfarc of the inhabitama of Eritrea, indoding the vicws of the earioua rada!, religious and pobtical groups of the pcorinera of the territory and the capacity of the peoplc for self-goremmcnt,

(b)    The intereus of peace and security in Eaat Africa,

(c)    The ńghis and ciaima of Ethiopia biaed oo geographical, hiatorical, cthnic ©r ecooomic reasons, in-cluding in pirticular Ethiopia*! legitimatc need for adc-quate aerns to the aea,

Taking into aceount the import ince of auuring the conrinuing collaboration of the forcign communiries in che economk dcvclopmau ot Eriuca,

Reeogmzing that the disposal of Eritrea shoutd be based onita doae political and cconomic associacion with Ethiopia, and

Desiring that this aisodation aaaure to the inhabi-tanta of Eritrea the fuUet: reapea and aafeguirdt for thtir inaticudona, tradidona, rclpcoi and bnguages, aa wcll as the widcsc pouible meaaure of aclf-govemmcm, while at the same tarot respccting the Conadrudon, instkutions, tradidona and the intemational turni and i de miry of the Empire of Ethiopia,

A. Recommendi that:

1.    Eritrea ihaU coostkute an autooocnous unit fed* erated with Ethiopia under the vo«rieigmy of the Ezhio-pean Crown.

2.    The Eńtiean Govcmmenc ihaU posaeaa legish-tive, cxecudve and judkial powera in the field of doroesric othku

3.    The juriadiction of the Federal GcttrnrocntihaB • cactcnd to the foOowing minera: defenee, forcign affaira, currcncy and finincc, forcign and interna te commerct and eanemal and imcrauce Communications. incMm; porta. The Federal Govcmraent ahaU han the power to maimain the imegrity of the Fedcration, and ahaU have | the right to impote uniform raxca throughout the Fedcr a- j tioo to mect the capenacs of federal funedom and terr-ices k bcing undmtood that the aiseismcm and th? | coHcction of auch uxea in Eritrea are to be detegared co


TTiZTofbainieeorJi «/^*r Cenefj/ AutmUy. W Uttrom. S*g* ^(.SkiWN.


oj wir if\.*rrrn ^aTinsa aSO T>U INOCfCNDCNCS OF EKmUA

rHc E/icrcifl Gorc/nmcm. anJ p/uvidcd Am Eritrea shill kar only it* jtnt and rquitahle ihiw ot ihnc BpciMlI. The jurisdiction of the Eritreao (ioummint ahaU extcnd to all matur* not tneed in the Federal Goter runem, bdoding the power to maintain the tnicmal police, to lrr> uxn 10 mcet the ex penie* of domtuk fuooiona and scrrices, and 10 adept iw own budget.

4.    The arca of the Fedcration ahall constkoce a single area for customa purposrs, and there ahall bc no barriers to the free mowem of goods and persona widtin ehe area. Customs dutics on goods entering or learing the Fedcration which h*\x their finał deatiiucion ot origin in Eritrea ahaU bc aasigncd to Eritrea.

5.    An Imperial Federal Council cocnposcd of cqual nurabers of Ethiopian and Ericrean repeesenumes ahaU mcci at leaat once a ycar and ahall adriae u por. the common affairs of the Fedcration re/erted to in para-paph 3 a borę. The cirucns of Eritrea ahaU partuipate in the cxccutive and judicial branchca, and ahall bc repce-sented in the legńbmc branch. of the Federal Gortm-* ment, in aceordance wkh law and in the proponion that the population of Eritrea bcara to che population of che Frderation.

ś. A single nationalky shall prcvail thtooghout the Fedcration:

(a)    Al! inhabitants of Eiiciea, cxccpt peraoot pot-seaaing forcign tutionality.shall bc nauonals of the Fed-cration;

(b)    AU inhabitants bom in Eritrea and having at kast one indigenous parent or grandparent ahaU alao bc ruiionaU of the Fedcration. Such persona, it in poucasion of a foreign nationahry, ahall, within sic montha of the coming into lorct of che Eritrcan Consnrution, bc het to opc to renouncc the narionality of the Federarion and retain soch forcign nationalky. In the mat that they do not so opc, they ahaU thcrcupon tose such forcign nacion-ality;

(c)    The qualificacions of persona acąuiring the na-tiotuliry of che Fcdcration under aub-parapaphs (a) and (b) above for exercising their rights as citizem of Eritrea ahaU bc detcraiincd by the Consticution and bwa of Eiitrea;

(d)    AU persona poaacsaing forrign nationalky who ha%* resided in Eritrea for ten ycara prior to the datę of the adopdon of the preacnc resolution ahall have the right, with out further requirements of icsidencc, co apply for the nacionahty of the Fedcration in aceordance with federal law*. Such persona who do nor chus acqoirc che nauonalicy of the Fedcration ahaU be permitced to reside in and enpge in pcaccful anJ U w ful punuics in Eritrea;

The rights and interesu of forcign naćonils rcaident in Eritrea ahaU be guaranteed in aceordance wkh che pcorisiotu of paragraph 7.

7.    The Federal Gorcrnmcnr. as wcU aa Eritrea. ahall ensurc to retidenis in Eritrea. wkhouc distmction of nationalky, race. aex, lantuage or rrligion, the co»oymcm of human righet and fundamenta! hbenies, induding the followiop

(a)    The right co equalky before che law. No duet im inacion shall be madę againat forcign emerprisea in existcsvce in Eritrea cnpged in industrial, commcrciaL agricultural, arcisan, educational or eharitabk acrivkies, nor againat banking institutions and insurancecompaniea operatinę in Eritrea;

(b)    The right to lik. liberty and security of person;

(cj The right to owo and dispote of property. No

one ahall be dcprńred of propeny, induding contra ctual rights, wirhout due proeesa of law and wiihout payment ot just and effeońe compemation;

(dl The right to freedom of opinśon and cxprcss»on and the nght of adopring and practising any creed or rcligion;    .

(ł) The right to education; •

(f)    The nght to freedom of pcaceful assembly and-associacion;

(g)    The right to tns-iobbilkyofcorrespoodence and dominie, subjca to the rcquircflwnta of the bw;

(h)    The right to ccerciae any profeaaion subjeet to the rcąuiremencs of the law;

(i)    No one ahaU be aubjcctato arrest or detention wichouc an order of a cocnpetent authenry, cxcrpt in case of fiagrant and scrious violarion of the law in fotce. No one ahall bc deponed cxccpt in aceordance with the law*

(j)    The right co a fair and equicabte crial. the right of petition to the Emperor and the right of appcal to che Emperor for cocrunuurion of death scnrcncca;

(k)    Rcrroacririry of pena! bw ahaU be exc»udcd;

The rcapect for the rights and freedoma of ochera and

the requifements of public order and the generał w*łfare alonc will juatify any limiutions to the above righu.

8.    Paragraphs 1 to 7 incluaivc of the preaent reso-lution ahall conscitute the Federal Aa which shall be submincd co the Emperor of Ethiopia for ratifkation.

9.    There ihaU bc a tramition period which shall noc cxtend bcyond 15 Scptcmber 1952, during which the Eritreao Govemmcnt will be organurd and the Eritrcan Conscitution prepared and put into effea.

10.    There shall bc a United Nations Commiasioncr in Eritrea appoinced by the General Assembly. The Com-missior.er wiU bc aasiated by cxperta appointed by the Scctetary-General ot the United Nations.

11.    During che transition period, the pcesent ad-ministering Tower skali continue ro eondua the affairs of Eritcea. U shall, in consultation wkh the United Nations Commiasioncr, prepare aa rapkiły aa possiblc the orgamiation of an Eritrcan adrnmistration, ind ja Eritrc-

Document f 95


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