ablc. The speech docs noc bind mc Ouci Exccunvc or the Erkrean Asscmbly in any way. 23/

336. Rromuigacion by the Empcror9* Repre-scucacwe, as prov»ded in aniele 15 and aniele 58. para-graphs 4 and 5. of legislation adopted by the Asscmbly. is a mcrc formalny. The Empetor'* Repccsemanve i* rcquucd to promulgate such Icgitlacion within the timc liflMts preseribed in the abore-mentioned proviskxu.

537.    In order chat a law may not bcprcvcnccd from Corning into cffcct by failurc to promulgate, the Consti-tution providcs (article 58, paragraph 6) that if it is not procnulgated withm the tune limit laid down. a law shall come into effea after pubhcation by the Chief E*ecu-t.vc. 24/

538.    Anicie 14 and aniele 58, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Constituuon give the Emperor'* Rcpcescntathrc the right to rcqucst that lcgislation adopted by the Asscmbly be rcconsidcrcd.

539.    This provis»on docs noc give the Empcror** Representative the power to intervcnc in the domcscic affairs of Eritrea. It cstablishcs a polnical procedurę for scrtHng conflios of jurisdiaion which may ansę betwecn the Federation and E/itrea.

•    540. The Constitution of Entrea providcs ccrtain

safeguards for this procedurę. A roąuesr for recęmidera-tion is only admtssible if it relates to a law which “en-croaches upon Federal jurisdiaion, or involves the International responsibilicy of the Federation*. The rea-sons for the requcst must be suted and tt musi be transmirted to the Chief Executive within twcncy days after the vocing of the law by the AsscmWy.

541.    During its second debatę, the Asscmbly must coaudcr whether the law cocnplaincd of is in conformity with the Federal Act or not. It mereły venfics the consti-tutionality of the law adopted, takmg thcobservations of the Empcror'* Representative into consideration.

542.    This procedurę is ckariy incomplete and lim-ned. It only applies to Fritrean and not to Federal laws. It docs not neccssarily result in a finał dccision on the corotitutionality of the lawcomplained of, for the Assetn-Wy can nevenheless procccd to adopt the law alleged to be unconstitutional by a rwo-thirds majonty vote.

543.    The cxisccncc of the Imperial Federal Council will allow the rtpresenuuves of Eritrca to cxpress their opinion on federal laws which they nught regard as encroaching on Eritrcan jurisdiaion.

544.    The exiscence of this procedurę docs not, howcvcr, removc the necd to esuWish appcal procedurę with the nccessary safeguards.

545.    Thesc safeguards can only be prondcd by the

settmg up of an im parciał Supremę Coun with power i to senle confiicts of jurisdiaion betwccn the Federation and Er it rea in the finał mstancc. 25/    

L Ratt/ieation by the impetom of Ethiopu of jmenJ.

mcnlt which m:ght be nudę to the Constitution

546.    Article 93, paragraph 3 of the Constitution providcs that any amendmems therao will enter into effea after ranfication by the Empcror of Ethiopia. The rtsolution of che United Narions General Asscmbly pro-vides (paragraph 13) that the Constitution of Erluea shałj enter into effect followmg ratification of the Federal Aa ind the Consticuoon by the Empcror of Ethiopu. The Constitution follows up this promion by giving per-manence to the ir.ccrtmtion of the Sorcreign of the Federation.

547.    From a strialy legał standpoint the incervav non of the Empcror of Ethiopu appeated essentul. The Constitution could not enter into force without rati/ica-non by the Empcror. His ratification was given co a particular tcxt and any modificarion or amendment of that text must chertfore be ratifitd by him. This is the applkation of a traditional pnnaple of law, ntmcly the principle of the comrrsc aa or identiry of procedurę. 26/ Against this principle of the convcrse aa it could. how-evcf, be objccted that ratification by the Emperor of Ethiopia is not presenbed in the Federal Aa. Such ratification is rcquired by the General Asscmbly'* rcsolution, togrther wi(h approval by the United Nations Commis-23f h wouki bc m cocucrnury wuh pirluacoury pcacuce for the speech from the throoc lobccomnuotutrd ao k\ioc« to the Frcudtm ot the Aurmhły *»d to the Ch*f tiuannt.

24/ h ii the ómty of the Chief Łucutm to pofelnh any kw» oo< proenulgitrd by the Dnperoe*t Acprctefrt*iivc withm the conitnu-t*orul time Umil. Fadurt to dneharpr thit d*ify would be a senoot yioUnon oi 0* Cooukuoon corwof within the scope ot aniele 7j ccncernmg remo*il from oŁftct ot the Chief Imutm.

251 Report of che f anel of Up! ConwUanu. A/AC44AC1/R.1.

Geoera.lv tpeiktrx. conpmtit* cootutunoeul bw showi tfur the consututKMuky ol bwi u tetted both by coun procedwec a tui by pohucal machaocry. The fttuJeut ot the Ihuud mini ot America who, uoder aniele t, scctioo 7. paragraph 2 of the Coeadteuoo, hat power to iu for reeoai»deratioo of Uwi adopted by Con^mi. maket (rr^went uk of tka power to rerum, (ot fteonuderatioA. laws bc cotuióen to bc WKOAUJUCtonal frmiru Tafi'i onup to Cooereu oo 21 Febeuanr JflJ, alkpoo the uocoowmióooal wwt oT the Webb-Kcnyoo Act coocermof the tranapoeutioo of ipińtuooa L^uoei m mrer-Sute (ommerer. drarly ihowrd up the effea ot tho po^itical uiecuard si toenpared with lodioal ufreuarda. (V. W. MC»l.'ouLhfce. 7V ComiUi*t***/ Un <4Uh UwredScarea, V«L 2. cup 974). Uoder ankle 34, parapaph 2 of the Cootucutaon. the tretdeoc ot the Fieoch Repubhc. aning oo the adnee ot the FrewSent of the Couoof. may iu ParkameM to rrcooaidrr a bw. Th u procedurę abo coables him to rcouctt the Auemhhes to recotuidc/ bwa rrpided ai uncontritu t<val (Mętup of l August. 1949. LO-R-f. Deb. ParL Aas. >bt.. 14 Oaober 19471 Undcr the Cookitucioo of che USSR. the coosmucioo-ahre of Uwt otihe Federated Repobha u teaacd by pohucalpeocediare; a^uwoeicy for this purpote is mced »the S^permc Wt oi the Unaoo by aracle I44d) oł the Coouitumi of 1934^

26/ The same lepi pnoeipCe wat apphed h> the Panel ot Lepi Conaulunn »hro comidmng ameodment ot the Federal Au. The pnmipie ts drfiord by Profeuoe Ch. Romteau at foliowi- •Rulet of bw. whether den^ed Ircea ueabet or bws, eemam legally bto long at ihcy ha*e not brtadiały abeoptrd by the procedurę uted for thew formubrkm* (Pr^e^ei    4* Orott mumttsomjl

VoL L, No. 2343.

Tpoocr. ** * condition tor the entry into force Of the ncw ^Consntunon It is not prcscńhcd for the futurę.

j4S. The mam k-gal barn of aniele 93. paragraph ot che Constitution is co bc found in the praetke of -federal Stites. The Constitutions of the mera ber States £ ^ direaly or indirealy subjea to examination by the p,’ fcdrnl State. The purpose of such examination is to "c^urr that local constitutions respecc the principia laid in the Federal G>nstitution. 27/

549.    Thus the provision comaincd in aniele 93. pjragraph 3, might appear in the Federal Coostirutional

>|j«s enacted to iraplemcnt the Federal Aa. In order to T j»o»d any difficulty of interpretanon, howcver, it seemed gdrisablc to insert this provision in the Constitution as Ś mrli The Asscmbly supponed this view unamraously, V aczpt for four abstentions. 28/

550.    Ratification of amendmems co the Conscitu-1 oon by the Empcror of Ethiopia is all the morę nccessary' P hrejuse paragraph 7 of the Federal Aa requires che -* federal Govcmmcnt to ensure respea for human rights X and fundamenta! libenies in Eritrea. The Federal Govern-

ment must therefore be in a position co prcvcm suppres-tico or reserknon of these rights and freedorm by the ^ Eriuean Constitution. •

*    551. The purpose of federal ratification, however,

*; defines io scope. Refusal of ratification will only be £ poisiblc in respea of amendmems at variance %rith the y prorisions of the Federal Aa, and in such a case ratifica-ruiA mm! he refused.

Seaion 2. Prorisions of the Eritrcan Constitution i ccoccrning human rights and fundamenta! freedorm

552.    Paragraph 7 of the Federal Aa conuins a dedaration of the human rights and fundamenta! frcc-doms esublished in Eritrea. These rights and freedoms nuu be guarameed by the Federal Govemmenc.

553.    These guarantees appear in paragraph 7 in a rwofold form. First, the generał principle of rcspcct for human rights and fund amen tal freedoms is laid down. Second!y, these rights and freedoms arc enumerated in a ł*o®-restrictivc list. Article 22 of the Constitution repro-duces paragraph 7 of the Federal Aa in fuli and the tuccecdrag artides cxplain and amplify its prońsions.

554.    In pr ind pic, these proviuons conceming fun-X ^smental rights and freedoms guarantccd by the Federal

Aa and the E/itrcan Constitution, hivc the force of unperative legał rules with immediate effea, applicaWe hy the Supremę Coun. By way of exception certain pn>vuions of paragraph 7 of the Federal Aa and chapter IV of the Eritrcan Constitution must be put into effea by Clarion before they can be applied. Examples are Paragraph 7 (ej of the Federal Aa, artides 22 (e) and 31, paragraph 1, of the Constitution conccrmng the right to

cducation and frwdom to trach and ankle 33. paragraph I of the Consntution conccrning the protcetton of work-mg condicions. 29/ It uńU bc for thr iud»cul branch to rccogmrc any such exceptionaI cascs.

555.    The fundamenta! rights and freedoms direaly guarameed by the Constitution may be amplificd and defined by ordinary laws. The finał sub-paragraph of paragraph 7 of the Federal Aa lavs down that no limKa-tions may be applied to these rights unless they arc justified by respect for the rights and freedoms of others or by the rcquiremcnts of publk order and the generał welfare. This pro\*ision is reproduced in ankle 34 of the Constitution, which stipulatcs, in a second paragraph, that the law may in no case unpede the normal cnjoymcnt of fundamenta) rights and liberties. Finally. article 77 ol the Constitution prohibits lcgislation by the Chief Execu-tivc’in this field, in which the Asscmbly has sole compe-tenec.

556.    Thus the Consntution prov»des for the pro-tcction of rights and freedoms. In case the other organs of the State, the* Asscmbly and the Exccuti%c,*«hould fail in their duties, it gives the Supremę Coun the mcans of exercising effeaive control over lcgislation conceming these rights’ For it affirms that libcny is the ruk; any restrknve provision of the law must be justified, must cornc within the scope of the exocpoons expressly pre-seribed and may noc suppress thr rights guarantccd. The judicial branch is therefore madę the guardian of individ-ual rights and fundament a 1 freedom. It can only perform this task if it is cocnplctdy independent, as presenbed in

27/ Arndt 4 ol Um Federal Cofuutucioo ot Swmerlmd pro^ides (Kac "TT* Cantom mu nąotu che Coolcdrianon to guarantcc chtir Coakwiot".

Tb Comtmition ot the USSR prondet ai foliowi;

-Anide 14. The fumdicuoA ot che Utuoo ol Soekt Socialut ReaoKjci, at rrpretewed by ks ht^her oegaru ot Sute power and or^am ot Sute adm*r»mjnon, mbraert (d) Coouol om the onefYiact ot the Couuonoa ol the USSR aud cnmt>A| conformity ot the CoottMioot ot the Republus ot the Union w«h the Contdiubon ol the USSR.

-Anide 14. Łach Kepobk ot the Union Kai us ©w* Conautu-tmn, which tak et accounc ot thr t peulic leaturet ol tne Republac and u dr awn up m Iu U toośoamty mih the Cootntuoon ol the USSR.’

Ankle IV, iccuon 4, ol thr CoAsumoon ot the United Su tri of AmrraCJ peonćrt chat:

•The Umced Suiei iłu U punntn to trtry Sute in thia Union a Repubwcan Foctn ol GWrnmeni*.

The Conitnution ot Utryi conuins the foliowy promiom -Ankk 177. Łach promu shaS formula te ks own Ormanie Law pewrided that ki pcorówna an noc contrary to the pco^i-dona ot thit Comucooon.*

AU theu proniMKU are dcnnned to emurr confonr.ry ot the Conm-cutions of member Sutes wwh the Federal Comutuoon.

21/ A/AC44flL134.p*fe2.

29/ Soch pronnofli may be compored with ernaan constaiucional teicti ki lorce which an rccofAued ai fu*dog pnnopki in aocui poltey Conitituiłon of Ireland, ankk 45; Contututioo ot Indu,


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