
thc Aucmbly to adopt suggestcd imaidMitt to thc budget. in tKc lorm o i rcsolutmns during thc dcbatc. At this stagc in thc dcbatc, thc Asscmbły may proposc to thc Chief Executivc that thc cxpcnditurc estimates in thc drań budget be eithcr rcduccd or incrcascd, wbfcct in thc lancr casc to thc stipulation regarding thc balandng of incomc and otpcnditurc conuincd in a rucie 60, para-graph 3, which will be cocuidered later.

605.    During thc sccond phasc, thc Aucmbly takes a dccuion on thc various items of ehe rensed budget (articlc 60, paragraph 3). In other words, ń troccs appro-priations for ca eh Exccutivc Department in tum.

606.    It may rcducc thc cxpcnditurc estimates, cx-cept those indudcd in thc budget to covcr natiooal debt paymems.

607.    It may not incrcasc thc cxpcnditurc estimates in thc draft budget withouc thc eon tent of thc Oucf Exccutivc and unkss it vocct an equavalcnt incrcasc in thc rcvcnuc estimates. On this panicular point, then, thc nght of amendment of members of thc Asscmbły is limited. The acpenditufc estimates submieted by thc Ejcccuthc represent a maximum, and thc Astembly is thus invitcd to play thc role of moderator in public eapenditure

•    (aniele 60, paragraph 3 (a)). Similar pcovłsions arc to be found in a number of Corutuutions. 49/

608.    The budget musi be adopted bcforc thc begin-rung of thc finanda) year, ocherwise, thc Constitution stipulatcs that thc draft budget, amended by thc Chief Exccutivc, *shall be dccmcd to be adopted* (aniele 60,

•    paragraph 4). The obfcct of this provision is to prevcnt goycrnmcnul action bcing paralyscd for Uck of funds •through dclay by thc Asscmbły in voting thc budget. It is thus incumbcnt on thc Asscmbły to carry out its examina ti on of thc budget prompeły cnough to forcstall adop-tion of thc Chief Exccutivc's draft budget by tadt conscnt. 50/

609.    When thc dclay in adopting thc budget is duc to thc failurc of thc Chief Exccutivc to obsenre thc timc-limit laid down in thc Constitution 51/ for submis-s*on of thc draft budget, adoption by uat conscnt is rulcd out. In such a casc, if thc budget has nor betn adopted bcforc thc beginning of thc financial year, thc Chief Exccutivc must rcqucst thc Asscmbły to grant Kim, by cxtcnsłon of thc prcvious budget, provisio<uJ appropria* tions for a Umited period (c.g., one month).

610.    The csómatcs for thc cxpcnscs of thc Assem-bly must be includcd in thc budget. In accordance with parliamentary usage, proposals for such expcnditurc must be drafted by a eommincc of the Asscmbły and handcd by thc President of that body to thc Chief Exccu* tivc for indusion in his draft budget. 52/

611.    The Exccutire is rcsponsiblc for impkmenta* t»on of ehe budget. Taxes may be leWed oaly under thc conditions fixcd by thc Asscmbły. Appropriation* may not be cxcccded or ditrerted from thc purposc assigned to tbem in thc budget law (aniele 61).

612.    Tocnabkthc£xccu(ivctomccturgcntcxpcfv diturc, ehe Constitution authonzes thc Asscmbły to in-cludc in thc budget a specu 1 credit not to cxcced 10 per cent of thc total cxpcnditu/c estimates authonzed by the budget law (aniele 63).

613.    In casc of emcrgcncy, cntaihng commitmcna in cxccss of this spccial credit, it would be possibic for thc Chief Lxccuuyc to submi: a suppic men tary draft budget to thc Asscmbły.

614.    In addition co thc control cxrrcised by thc Exccutivc*s financc and accounting senne es, a chcck oo thc im plenienia taon of thc budget is kepe by an Auditon General clcctcd by thc Asscmbły (anidc 64 of thc Constitution).

615.    Finał approral of thc accounts for cach financial year is givcn by thc Asscmbły on thc hasis of a repon submitted by thc Chief *Exccuuvc with thc assistancc othc Auditor-Gcncral lanicłc 64, paragraph* 1 and 3).

616.    Apart from its funerions m thc sphere of or dinary IcgiUation, thc Asscmbły has constituent powtr, smcc this is not vesccd in an ad hoc body, such as an Asicmbły elcacd for thc purposc. The Constitution eon* fen on thc Entrean Lcgislanve Asscmbły thc power to a mend thc Constitution, but thc manner in which this aaion can be ukcn differs from ordmary kpslath* procedurę.

617.    The initiative as rrgards amendmems ;o thc Constitution lies with thc Chief Ejcccumr and thc members of thc Asscmbły. A proposcd a mend men t cminating from thc members of thc Asscmbły is inadmissiblc unless submitted by at kast one quartcr of the actual number of members (articlc 92, paragraph 1).

618.    The proposcd amendment cannoc be dis* cusscd by thc Asscmbły until twenty days at kast after it has bccn submitted. This tiroe allowcd for rcflcction is designed to obviatc thc adoption of any amendment under pressure of cxtrancous circuimtances.

619.    Amendment procedurę varics according to thc majority obcaincd by thc proposa! in thc Asscmbły.

Wcttff* German? (innie ll)k lamia (aniele 7IK RJuneUnd-fibtiiuu (ameb Utk France (an*b 17); btbnd (amcle 17, parali; the iane (ameb 110).

50/ A number of Cooafctuooos pc<mde tor an analog out ayacra, * the u me cmiuiUry. In the loan oi a ptoCcaption ot thc prcv«o«i ytar*a budget. Wcuem German? (aniele IIX    (macic 71(41*

Wmebodłabimiif (ameb 116. U u par arr ashK Saxon? (ameb S1X Dcnrrurk (ankb 47, iccoad paragraf). ihe Sam (ankk 107).

51/ The drab bodgrt truu be lubmiited to ihe Arnmbly at ban one raoruh befoee the opetung oi the tetond reguUr acsiioo oi thc Altem-W? (ameb 59, para. 1 h and thc »»?ued deah budgei withm ten dajs fotowing thc ciotuń oi the debate in thc Auembły.

52/ The rulet oi pocę dore ol thc Auembir wtfi have to by down tht eond.tK.ru under which chn mciioci oi the budget mon be drabrd.

620.    If the Asscmbły adopcc che propoul by j jujority of threc-quaners of the members in ołikc, thit deduon ii finał and the proposcd amendment is ap-MUdi

621.    If an amendment is approvcd by an absolute ■ujonry of thc members in otficc or by a ma»ocity of fwo^hirds of thc members present and voong, it must be drbjced again.

622.    This sccond dcbatc can ooly take place aficr the ncxx icgitbcurt has bccn clccted. Thus thc amendment Is indireetły put to thc eketorate. 53/

f 623. The maximum pen od that may clapsc be-tx»t«n the two debato is sUghtły over four ycars if the amendment is first adopted at thc bcgmmng of a legislacje penod, and thc minimum period a few months if it is first adopted‘at thc end of a legislativc period.

• 624. The majorides rcquired arc thc same for the sccond vote as for thc first (aniele 93, paragraph 2).

625.    A similar rcvision procedurę is to be found in many Constitutioos. In vicw of the faci that a single Asscmbły has power to carry out rcvision, the conditions laid down in the Eritrcan Constitution are not cxćcs-sive. 54/ The Eritrcan Asscmbły did not by any mcans tonsider the rcvi»i6n procedurę bid down in the Com-missioncrks Draft to be too inncxible, but wońld havc preferred to sec amendment of the Constitution madę morę difficulc.

626.    In exercising its power to rcvisc the ConstUu-bon, thc Asscmbły may not amend the Fcdcral Aa. This ratriction is sta red in aniele 91, paragraph 1.

627.    Morcovcr, aniele 16 cf thc Constitunon may bc amended (articlc 91, paragraph 2). This pnmiion pTts thc authonry of coostitucionał law to the rule laid down in thc United Nations rcsolution (paragraph 12): *the Constitution of Eritrca shall be based on thc principia of dcmocracic govemmcnt\

(2) Powers of the Chief Exccurirc

62$. The Constitution confers widc powxrs on thc Chief Exccutivc in the maner of legislation and issuing of regulations. 55/ In the first place, thc Chief Exccutivc is empowered to tssuc the regulations rcquircd to implc-mcm the laws (aniele 76, paragraphs 2 and 8). Sccondly, the Chief Exccutivc is authorized to fili in any gaps in the laws in forcc (articlc 77). This power can be excrased ordy in the interwal bctwcen sessions of the Asscmbły. The Chief Exeairivc must subenit any orders thus issued to the Asscmbły, which may rcpeal them. Such orders may doc rebte to any of thc matters deait with in chapccr IV of pan I of the Constitution, and must bc compatiblc with thc Constitudoo and thc laws in forcc.

629. Finally, aniele* 78 and 79 of the Constitution endow the Chief Exccutivc with emcrgcncy lcgnUrivc powers, subicct to supemsion by the Asscmbły.

D. rourtn oi r/>e Emtirae

630.    The Constitution mąko thc Chief Łxccutivc responsible for thc dirccnon of the administrauve depart-ments and public senrices (aniele 76). He also possesses power of dccision, within the limits set by the Constitution and thc laws of thc Asscmbły.

631.    Howcver, to prevcnt the Chief Executivc from ha vmg unlimitcd powers, thc Cml Semee is pbeed under the authonry of an independent Commission (articlc 82». This Commission is under thc ehairmanship of the Chief Exccutivc or his rcprcscntative, but its composition anJ the conditions under which it is to funetion are deter-mincd by law. The Ovil Scrviec Commission is responsible for thc appointmcnt, promotion, transfer and diseharge of officials and for taking di>riplinary action. Such a system, which tends to discouragc favouritism and

SP In HMnt Coostitucions ń n enptettfy pfoeuied iłui Awm:.i.n undmakinf to ammd thc Coascmaoon musi bc rc-e*cie«l Alur thc elccoom. a iwul decmoo on thc propoied imsion u uUł unio* o4 b'ipum, arak 131; Coc.«ncvtion ot Ok Nethcr lando rak 204; Consiicuuon ot Dnuiuii amek 94. Comt*ut»oo ot Noewit. in*> 1 19, CoAtntuuon of Colombu, iiu> 190* The Contucuuco ot Mordom byt dwn procedurę similar to that adopted tor Łfttfca as thwiruunce (artkk 2CO>.

*4/ Tkr bas* law in Wrurm Germany nąottt a two-Ourdi nujonty o4 both Asacmblm lot trnuoti Urak79* the Consnrutioft ot fcaYaria recuiret a iwo-thieds maprinr ot the memceri of the Oki and a pwbW rckrcndwn camck 75* the ćoosotuoooa ot the Wuneland-Falanaute Unick 529i and of Sisony urak 94) reqvurt eithcr a rwo-thadi majonry ot thc membrrt oi the Asscsabły or a pubU rrkrcnOomt thc CowuicutKW ot France rcquirc», fint, the adopucn ot a retoJuoon by an absolut* outoncy of the members ot the National Asscmbły, then the adoption oi a bill to rerisc thc Comtuuoon esther by a twoehuds nuaonry ot the National Asscmbły. oe by a thrct-fihhi nu/oory ot both AiscmbLes or by a umpk ma>oriry. m whkh casc rrtnion oou be approred by a puhfc teUetodum (amek 90* the haka a Coruucu-oon reqom a twoehuds nujocify ot thc memben m ołUe in both Chamben, Uthtą whkh thert may be a rekrmduo; the Hunganaa Conamuooo requuet a cwo-thudi maiociry ot the Nanooal Aaacmbk (amek 15*111* thc Gmuuutxm ot Norway rrouun a nro^hifdt maiociry oi thc StocuW (artick 119* the *LictW Conetkiation" oi Foland rccukct a mi/onry oi fwtMhirde of the uatwory number oi dcpwiea; thc CoruMooon of thc Sarre requtrct a Kajoórr ot thm-omnm of thc sututocy nom ber oi memben ot the Aucmbly (arak 103* thc ConatitouoA of Ciechoilorakia return a nujoc^r oi thfcc hitha oilhctou] number oi drpWMt Urale 54. paragraph 2* the CortfOrutioa oi Tur kry erowtet that a propoaal for rtmion be tubmUtcd by at kau one thud oi the mcmbcit oi thc Asaónbły and adopted by (wo-fh*di oi thc memben (arak 102* thr CoMńrutaon oi thc USSR requim a cwo-thirds ru#cr»ty *©tc * w<h Chambrr oi thc Suprcmc Sovict. In the member Suta of thc Amcncjo Union a wnpk nujoricy oi memben m eaeh Oumber is tomrumes reipared for thc adoptkm ot ammdmmu (23 Suiet* sometimet a eratotin ot cw^thuda is rtooired (U Suics] and aomromca a majorrry of ihrrr-fdtha (7 sum); in somc Sutn thc ameodmem must be adoęeed apm by a secoud kpsbture (14 Sum* SubiKt to appcoeal by the Sum m certam caies, thc CouuituDoa ot Iiuha rcqiurcs a nro-th*rds miyor-ky in both Houses of Farfumcnt. compnun* at kast hali the memben Urale 344* the Coosotwion oi Ceyłon requiru a miłomy oi rwo-thards oi the members oi the Houae oi Rrpmcmatrm (ankk 29, paragraph 4L In most South Amencan Sum moce than a simpłr ma lonty ia also rtouurd for toisaon oi thc CoosOtucion (cf. Boln*u, ankk 174; Braki, arak 217; Ch-k, arak 104; Cuhi. araks 245-244; U Saka doc. arak 171; Guatrmak. ankk 204; Honduras, arak 200; Menco, arak 155; Faraguay. arak 94; Un^uay, arak 241; Ycnciuefc. arak 244*

55/ The cjcscftwoo oi the powrn oi thc Eaccutne wnh reprd to kgtshoou sod muAf oi rcguiaóottt is a durtaeewńc frjturt ot the concemporary period.


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