• %
— part L General
. Artkle 1
Adopuon and rJhficatiOn o{the Federjl Act
1. The Eritrcan pcoplc, threugh their repre-scmatives, hereby adopt and ratify the Fcderal Aa ap-provcd cm 2 Decem ber 1950 by the General Asscmbly ci the United Nidom.
2. The)* undertake to obscrvc faithfuHy the prori-lions of the said Aa.
Terruory of Emu*
The terr nery of Eikrea, indu ding the h landa, b that of the former Italian colony of Eritrea.
Anicie i
Au tono my and (edetalion
Entrea dal) consruutc an autoaomous unit fcdcr-ated with Eihiopu under the sovcreigncy of the Ethiopian Gown.
Anicie A
LegisUtk*, exeośtiva and /Widu/ powen
The GoYc/nmem of Eritrea shall eacrrise legisladt-c, cxecudve and judicial powen with rcspect to marten within tes jurisdiaion.
Anicie 5
SUnen coming within the jurisdiaion of Eritrea
1. The jurisdiaion of the Governnvenc of Eriuea shall tktend to all manert not vesed in the Fedcral Govetnment by the Fedcral Aa.
2. Thh jurisdiaion słull inelode:
M The vińo«is branches of law (crimiiul law, cńil law, comme/dal law, etefc
(b) The organuation of the public tcrvkes;
. U) Inccraal police;
(dj Health;
M Education;
(f) Public asstsuncc and soćal security;
(g) Prorccrion of labour,
(h) Eaploiution of natural resources and reguła* tion of indust/y, intcmal commerce, uades and prefts-sioeis;
(0 Agrkulturc;
(i) Intcmal Communications;
(k) The public ouliry senricea which are peculiar to Entrea;
(I) The Eritrcan bodget and the establishment and coUeciion of tt*cs drsipicd to rota the capentes of Eiitrean public funenom and senriccs.
Arucle 6
Contr ibution by Entrea to the ejpenses of the Fe Jera! Goirrnment
t. Entrea shail bear in just and cquicabte sharc of the capem es of Fedcral fuitcuom and scnricca.
Aisessment and lerying of Fcderal taacs
2. The Governmcr.r of Eriuea shall assess and lcvy in Entrea, by delegation from the Fedcral Govemmentv such uxes as arc csubiished to that end for the ber tfu of the whclc of the Fedcration.
Rcrrout from customs dutics
3. Within the r«vtnue whkh accrucs to Eritrea shall be indudcd the customs dwies on geodt en te ring or lcaving the Fcderatścn which hav« their fmal destirurion or origin in Eritrea, in accordance with the prorisions of paragraph 4 of the resohmon of 2 Decem ber 1950 of the General Asscmbly of the United Naciom.
Represeniabcn of Eritrea in the Imperial FejUrsl Co*nał
1. The Erkrean repcesenutWcs in the Imperiil Fedcral Councii, composcd of e<;ual numbtrt of Ethiopian* and Erkreans, shall be appoineed by the Chief Eaccuth e with the approral of the Asscmbly. Thcy shall be fot maiły imrnted in office by the Empaor.
Paitkśpaóon of Ericrcans a the Fcderal Gowemmcnt
2. Eritieans shall panidpate in the cxccunvc and judicial branches and shall be represented in the legśsla-ort branch, of che Fcderal Go*tmmcftt, in accordance with law and in the peoponioa that the popularion of Ericrea bcan to the popularion of the Fcderadoa.
Eritrcan uńumhip
Persom who hast acquircd Fcderal nationality in Eriuea under the Fcderal Aa (Seaion A« paragraph 6 of the General Asscmbly Resolurlon 390 A (V)) and have been granted Eritrcan ótucrohip in accordance with the taws of Eriuea shall be dciiern of Eritrea.
Rigbu of Federjl nationaU who are not Eritrean dtiteni
1. On the basis of reóprocity, Fcderal nationals who are not Eritrcan ócoms shall enjoy the same rights as Eriueans.
2. Fctkrul (utioruli aha" cr.;oy pobticd rightt in accorJjiuc wsth the Eritrear. Con^itndon ind Uws on ikc basis o/ rcciproaty.
Arfirfr JO
The Emperor hot J tepretenUthe in Efitrej
There ihill bc a repec^entathc ifl Emira of His Imperial Majesty, iKc Empetor of Ethiopia, Soverr.pt o! the Fcdrration. #
Article J1
Rjnk of the RepretenUtwc ofd* Emperor
The Rcpiesrntative of the Emperor shall. on aII occasioflf, havc the place of precedmcc at offieiil ceremonio in Eritrea.
• Artulł 12
AJminiitering Of the ojth of offi* to the Chtef Ex<tu-tiv€ hefore ll# Repre ten utnę of the Emperor. forma/
• i/nestment of the Chief EjteeuUve in office
The Chief EjccokWc, electcd by*the Asscmbly in accordance with Anicie dl, ahall uke the oath of office .in accordance with the prońsions of Aokle 72. The Represeatadve of the Emperor, havwg noted that the Chief Execudve hal been eItctcd by the Asscmbly, shall forma U y invest him in office in the nunc of the Emperor, Sorerogn of the f ederanon
Anicie 23
Opening tnd elotint of uniom of rbe Auembły
At the opening and ckaing of sessionf of the Asscm-bły, the Rcprescmadvt of the Emperor may ddim the speech from the throoe in which hc will deal with affain of common imerest to the Federatiot and to Entrea.
Artkle 14
Transmutio* of legulaiio* to the repreuntathr* of the Emperor
1. When draft lepsUdon Kas been voted by the Asscmbly, che Chief Eaccaitń* will uiAsmit u immedi-acely to the Rcprcsentattvc of the Emperor.
2. If the Rcprcsenutńt of the Emperor considcrs that draft lepslancn wed by che Asscmbly mac ach es opon Fcderal junsdicdon, or that u invohcs the Internationa! lespOosibiiicy of the fcderadoa, hc may transmit a req jest to the Chief Execudvc within twenty dayt a fur the voce by the Aisembly for reconsidcration of the draft Icgislatiod by the Asscmbly, indieadng his reasons for doingta
Aniele 1.1
Prntmdtjuon of fcfil&inou
The Rcpfe>mcatU< of the Emperor wjfl promulgatc hyńlition in the manner laul down in Article SI.
Aniele 16
The prmeiplei of democrjtie gocYtti-tent
The Consricution of Eritrea rt bated on the prindpks of dcmoentie gowemmem.
AnUU 17
Kespect for hu»un rijhti
The Consnrutiorul guaranie** to all persons the enjoyment of human rights and fundamenta! freedoms.
Article 11
Or£&ns of goiernment are provided for by the people and shall act in the interesu of th* people
1. All organ* of govemment are prov»dcd for by . tbe people. They arę chosen by means of periodie, free
and fair e lectións, direały and indireetly.
•. 2. The organ* of govcmmcnc shall aa in the inter-*
ests of the people. .
• •
Anicie 19
Rnle of Louis The organs of gmurnment and pubhc officials shall havc no further powen than those confentd on them by the Coostitudon and by the lawa and reguła docis which give effea therera.
2. Nathcr a gro jp of the people nor an indhridual shall arbitrarily assume the caerdse of any policka! power or of admimuratjvc fuacdoas.
3. Public offidals shall perfonn their dudes in stria conformity with the law and soldy in the pubłic inteicst.
4. Pubkc offidals shall bc penooaUy answcrable for any unławfu] acu or abuses they may Commh.
Anicie 20
The clcctorate shall consiu of those persons possess-ing Eritrcan otiaenship who:
(a) Are of małe scjq
(b| Have attained the age of twcmy-onc yean;
(e) Are under no legał diubdity a* defined by the law; and
(dl Hart been residcm for one ycar preceding the deedon in the conscieuency w herc they shall vocc.
Docutncnt 9 135