Anicie 21


1. The Fcderal (lag shall be tcspeaed in Eriuea.

Flag, scal and arms of Eriuea

«L Thcrc shaU be a flag. seal and arms of Eiitrea, dctalls of which shall be dccidcd upon by law.


Seetion L Pronsioni reprodoccd from thc Fcderal Aa Aniele 22

Prouitiom rcproductd frcm the Federa! Act

The following pcovisions o/ paragraph 7‘of ihe Fcderal Aec ihall be an inicgral pifi of the Coostiiuticn of Eiiccca:

•The Federal Goirernment, as weU as Eriuea, słull ensurc co rcsidcnts in Eriuea, withotu disoncdon of narionaUty, race, sey, languagc or rcbpcn. thc en-joyment of human tights and fundamemal libcrrics, induding thc foUowing:    *    .    .

•<a) The right to equaCry beforc thc law. No dis-c/irr. macica shall be ma de againsi foretgn enterpeiscs <n catistence in Eriuea cngagcd in industrial, córa-mercial, agricuJcuraJ, artisan, educational or chari-table actirities nor agiinst birJong insritutioat and Insurance companies opc/ating in Eritrca;

-{b) The right to life,libcny and security of person;

"(c) The right to own and dispose of property. No one shall bc deprivcd of piopcrty, induding coonac* tual rights, wirhooc due proceis of law and without payment of just and effeoWc c om pens arion;

*(d) The right to freedom of opinion and erpres-sion and the righr of adopting and praeńsing any a ced or rebgion;

m(e) The right to educacion;

m(0 The right to freedom ofpcaccfulasscmbly and assodarioa;

mlgf The right to broolabalicy of corrtspondcnce and domidlc subject «o thc r equirements of thc law;

m(h) The righc to caercite any profession subject to the requircrocncs of thc law;

•(5 No one shall be subject to arrot or dctmtion without an order of a competenc authority, czccpc in case of Ha grani and serio us violauon of the law

in (orce. No one shall be dcpocteJ cxcepc in accord-ance wkh thc law;

mfj) The right co a fair and equitab!e trial, the right of petirion to the Empetor and the right of appcal to the Emperor for commutarion of dcath sentrnces;

*(k> Recroactivity of pena! law shall be «xcludcd.*

Sectior. U. Oiher ptovuiocis

Anicie 13

Freedom cud ftjuAłiry beforc tbc Uw. Eieryone it a person beforc thc law

Ali persoru are bom frcc and are equal beforc the law witbout distinction of narionalicy, race, sex or relig-ion and, as soch shall cnjoy arii rights and shall bc subject to dudes and oblisatiofu.    • ^

Artklt 24

•    Probibition of torturę and certom puniihmentt

. No one shaU be subyret to torturę or to crud. tnhunun or degrading ueatment or punishmem.

•    -Anicie 25

Right to freedom of moiement

Evcryooe residem in Eriuea has thc right co fr redom of mmesnent and to the choice of place of rcsidcnce in Eriuea subjca to the prorision* of Anicie ii.

.    Arlicle 26

Freedom of comuencc and religion

The right to freedom of consaencr and rdigion shall indude the right of ereryone, cithcr akoe or in coownu-nicy with others and in publie or prieatc, to manifest his rebgśon or belief in tcaching. practice, wor&hip and ob-ttmoct


No disciimination to the detriment of any reltgion

No cconomic, financial or political measure of a discriminatory natu/e shaU be uken to the detriment of any religion praoised in Eritrca.

Anicie 21

Recognition ofreiigious bodiet ar pertom beforc the law

Rebgious bodiet of a li kinds and rebgiout ordert shall be recognized as potsessing iurisric personality.

Ccnvequendy, any rełigious denominatlon or any group of citiiens bclonging to such denomination shall beendtled:


M To esi abb*h an J rrn:ntain inuiturions tor rclig-- • ious cJucariona) and Jurat aMc purpoxK

(b) To condua #ts cmn affaiu in matters of rclig-


A    (cj To posscs* and i<quiic rocnabie and immov-

\ aUc propcrty;

(d) To admimstcr ii* propan and to cntct into coMtaot

ArtkU 29

Religiom iwtruaiott duj uorthip in pub!u: sehools

Ko pupil attenJmg a poKic schooł sha& be r cquired to takc pan in any rchgious instruction at such school or :    atiend any religiou* scrvicc ac soch school.


„    Freedom to etprcss opiniom

• Evcryonc residrne in Eritrca shall have the right to

•    cx press his opinion through any medium whatevtr (Press,

•    • speech, etc.) and to 4eam thc opinions cacprcsied by



*    R ighl to edueation and freedom to teach


%*    1. Everyonc rcsidcnc in Eritrca shall hive thc right

.i toedueation. The Gorcmmcm shall makecvtry effort to cstabtish schcols and to irain icachcrs.

*    2. The Govcfnmenc shall entourage pnvate persona and privatc assoriatioas and insmuticas, rcgardlcss of race, nationiliry, relipon, sex or lsnsusp, to open schools, provided that chey pvt proof of thc rcqoired standard* of mora liry and eompetcnec.

3. The instrucrion in the schools shall con/orm to thc spirac of thc Coowirution.

ArtieU 32

Assocutiont and companies

1.    Evcryoae resident in Eriuea shaU harc the right to form assodations or companics for lawful purposrs.

2.    Companics or associaćoas shall cnjoy fundamenta] ficcdoms in so far as their naturę permu*.

3.    Such companics or associations shall be ic-gardcd as person* beforc the law.

ArtkU 33

Prouction of work mg eonditbns

1. Evcrjrooc resident in Eritrca, rcgardlcss of tu-Hcnaliry, race, sex, or icUgion, shaU have thc right to oppommiry of work, to cqual pay for cqua! work, to regular holidays with pay, to payntCM of dcpcndcncy aUowances, to compcnsation for ilhtess and accidcnts inrurrcd through work and to a decent and hcalthy

*    standard of lifc.



Tradc unioru

2. £vcn-onc resident in Eriuea shall havc thc right to form and to ioin uadc uniocis for the proceecion of his intereses.

ArtieU 34

C out roi by Uw of the en/oymestt of human rights and fundamenta! (rtcdo*ns

1. The provisionsin the Ust Sub-paragraphof paragraph 7 of the Fcderal Aa apply to thc who!c of Chaptrr IV of Part 1 of the Comrirubon. This sub-paragraph reads as follows:

-The respea for thc rights and frtcdoms of others

and the rcquir emmts of public order and thc generał

welfarc a Jonę wifl justify any limiiarions to the above


‘ 2. In applying thc aforemenfioned prorisiens, the cnjoymcnt of human rights ind fundamcoul freedoms may be rcgulatcd by Uw prorided that s&ch rcgulation . does no< impede their normal cnjoymcnt.    . •


.    Dutki of individuals

Everyonc shall hm thc dury to respea the Gonsti-tution and thc laws, and to icrvc thc community.


ropuLA-noscRouPS cc eritkea

ArtieU 36 Propcrty rights

National* of thc Federa don, induding thosc cov« cd by sub-paragraphs (b) and |d) of paragraph 6 ot thr Fcderal Act, as wdl as forcign nadenak, shaU harc thc right to respea for their cusioms and their owo IcgisUtion govcming persona] sratus and legał capaciry, thc Uw of thc famśły and thc Uw of succcsstoo.

ArtieU 37 Propcrty rights

Propeiry righu and rights of real naturę, induding those on State Unds, esublished by cuscom or Uw and ciadscd on Eriuea by thc tribes. ehe various popuUtion groups and by naniral or legał person*, shaU noc bc impaired by any Uw of a liirriminiiOcy narure.

ArtieU 3$

Lingua ges

1.    Tigrinya and Arabie shall bc the officiaJ łan-guages of Eritrca.

2.    In accordancc with established practice in Eritrca. thc Unguagcs spoić en and wrincn by thc various

Dłnument P ]37


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