pnnoful groupt of ihc popala non in- the vanouv pro-graphkal arciS of the emitory.

4. The numbcr and ihc functions of Secreuries of Lxccu<nre Departmcnts duli be prcscribrd by law.

. Artidt 70 frtcompjtibihty

The Office of the Chief Ejctcutire oc of Secreury of an Executivc Department is incompańble with the holding of any other aimmiur a me or judidal office.

Anule 71

Actutf Chief Erecutae

The Chief Exccutivc, cm being cleae*l. duli desig-natc one of the Secreuries of Execucive Dcpaitmcna to aa for him if he u temporarily prever.:cd (/cm disdurg-mg hi* ducics or, if his post fali vacant, umil such time as a nrw Chief Executivc it.clected.

Ar tulę 72

5wearinpin of the Q)ief Eaecuthe

• Ecforc uking up’ his duties, the Chief Exccucive duli, according to his faith and customary praetke, tike the foUowing oath in the Assetnbly bcforc the Rcprc-senutivc of the Emperor.

"I underuke befcre Almighty Cod” (or an invoca-tion conforming to the faith and the custooury practice of the Chief Execume> ”to respea the Federation under the sovcrcjgnty of the Imperial Crown, loyally to serre Eritrea, to defend ks Con-sritution and »u law*, to seek the wdfare of the Ditrean people in the unsty of its inhabiums bound togcchcr by tio of brotherhood, whatevcr their tace, religion or language, and to seek no penotul adran-tage frocn office.”

Anicie 73

Suearing-m of Seaeuriet of EjhośM Defwtmtn/i

Bcforc uking up their dutics, Secreuries of Eaeeu-nve Department* shall, accordmg ro their faith and their customary practices. uke the foliowing oath publidy in the Asscmbly bcforc the Reprcscmative of the Emperor:

*1 undenake beforc Almighty Cod” (or an invoca-tion cooforming to the faith and customary ptactice of the individual concemed) "loyaUy to respea the Fcdcradon under the $overcignty of the Imperial Crown, loyally to sc*vt Eritrea, to resptci its Con-sdtudon and its laws, to seek no persorul adtantage front my office and to perfoem all my duoes consei-entiousły."

Anule 74

Counol of the Execmm *

The Chief Exeuitivc shall from time to time sunwnoo <3 a counaJ cf the Secreuries of £xccutivc Department. Thii i Coundl shall achtte the Chief Exccudve on matters of generał potiey and on any qucvtions hc may submit to it

Anule 75

Remowi from office of the Chief £jcccwr/i<

L Th; Chief Execucivc shall not bc answcrablc for i any aa performed by him in the coursc of his duoo eacept for a giavc violation of the Consdtudon. He shad bc answcrable (oc failure to dismias any Secretary of aa * Execut«\t Department commming a pm nołauoo of the Consotution.    •*]

2.    In such drcumsuncci, the Chief Execumr may ? be impeaehed by a two-thirds majority of the members : of the Asscmbly in office, and tried by the Supreme Comt cttabłishtd under Anicie 85,

3.    If the Supremę Court fmds the chirge to l* proved, it shall order the removal frore office of the Chief Execucivc. It may, funhe/more, <hsqualiry him from per- . forming any exccutive hmaion or legislative duty. .

.    4. Removal from office-shall be with out prcjudicr

to any proceedings whkh may be insdtutcd if the aa* commirted by che Chkt Execucive constituce offenca under aiminal Uw. *


EnameretiO* ofpouren

1.    The Chief EaccutWc shall ensure that the Coo-sticucioa and tbc lawa art cnforced. He shall have respoa-sibility for the direction of the Execucivc and Admiruaratirc Dr partments and public sennees. He shall be Chairman of the Qvil Sc mcc Commission, for whkh provision ts madę in Amck 32, and shall make appoim-mems in accordance with the Consdnjdon and the la*s.

2.    Hc shaD bc responsiblefortheintemal polkę of E/iuea and, to dm end, he shall issue reguła no ru cc*-forming to the Canstitution and the lawi to ensure the ttuintenance of pubhc order and sccurky-

3.    He shall convenc the session* of the Auembl) as pronded in Anielo 41 and 49 of the Consotution.

4.    Each year, at the opetung of the firu rcgular session, he shall give an account to the Assembly of his conduct of affairs and report on the generał situarion ol Eritrea.

5.    Hc shall havt the power to propose Icgislation.

Hc may reqursi the Assembly to rrcoosidcr draft legisia* tion. He shall publish the laws aft er their promufeanon or under the prov»sions of Artiele 58.



6.    Hc shall subrm: to ihc Asscmbly a dr in anrual and tbe accounu luf (hc prccutaf financial y car.

,provJcd in Anicie* 59, *0 and 64. *

7.    Hc shall hJvcjcccttio and the fightofaddrcis-i ehe Asscmbly. He may be rcpresr*cd in t he Asscmbly

its Commmccs by the Sceretarics of Execucive De-

t. Hc shall issuc the rcguUtion* requ«rcd to impk-Cthclawi.

9.    He shall issuc ocders as prowJcd ;n Anicie 77.

10.    He may temporarily limit ccnair. peoristons of ihc Consótution as provided in Anicie 78.

11.    Hc shall takc the necesaary roeasures for the fuppresucn of bńgandagr. as providcd in Articic 79.

•    12. Offkial documencs issued by tbe Chief Exccu-

che musi be counter-signcd by the Sceretarics of Exceu« the Depanments concemed.

Artrde 77

tourr of the Chief Ereeutii* to nu* orders wben the Assembly n not w *suon

i 1. In che imcrval betwecn sessions of the AssemHy9 the Chief Executhc shall havc authoricy to tssur, w hen Ofccssary, order s governing any mai ter within the juris-djoion of the Gosemmeru of Eritrea cxcept matters dealt mth in Chapcer IV of Pan I of the Consckurion, pcorided that soch orders arc compatible u ith the Contcinmon and the lawt in for cc. •

2.    Such orders shall be subemeted to the Asscmbly wbich musc approvc or repeal them within a period of two monchs from the opening of the session foliowing their promulgaiion.

3.    Fading a dccision by the Asscmbly within the ibovcmemiontd period, orders issued by the Chief Ex-ccjrivc shall be decmed to be confirmcd.

Artkle 71

Limitotiom in time of emertency of certom COnititytional protitions

1.    In the cychc of a serious emergency which endan-gers public order and security, the Asscmbly may, on the proposal of the Chief Executivc, adopt a law authorizing him to impose, under the condńions provided for in Article 34. temporary limiuiions on the rights set forth in Chapter IV of Part I of this Constitutśon.

2.    The authoriiarion thus givcn by law shall bc valid for a maxicnum period of rwo monihs. If neccssary, it may be renewed under ihe #ame conditioas.

3.    During the intcrval between session*. the Chief Exccutwc may, if tt is urgentiy neccssary, issuc an order prescribing the measurts rtfencd to in paragraph 1.

In such Cases. a spcdal session of the Asscmbly shall be conrcned. as soon as possiblc and, ai the latest, within

iwenty days felewinf the promulgaiion o! the order, tu adopt a Uw approving. amcndmg oe re pcalmg the *aui order.

ArticU 79 Supprcstion of

1.    If pubbc order and the secumy of pćrsons and property in Eritrea arc threatened by organurd brigand-age, the Chief Exccutivc shall, after ma king a pcocUma-tion to thr pcople, adopt the exeeptional mcasum neccssary to suppress such brigandage.

2.    The Chief Exccuhve shall mform the Asscmbly of the measures hc Kas ulen.


Artide 80

Conditiom of eppoimUnent of offkmls

Officials shall te chcicn for their abtlity and char actcri cooMdcrations-of race, sei, rebg»on tse polkical opinton shall not influenc r ihc choicc richcr to their . advamage or to their d>sadvantage.

.    Artide 81 m

Status of officUli    •

1.    The generał status of admjnmrabve officials shall be fixcd by law.

2.    The special sutus of the various categońes of adminis(rative officials shall bc hxcd by reguUtions.

Atucie 82 *

Chrd Senne* Commuuon

1.    A Civil Scrvice Cocnmission, under the chair-reanship of the Chief Executive or his rcprcscntativc, shall be crcated.

2.    This Commission shall bc roponsibk for the appointment, promotion, transfer aod discharge of offi- > cials, and for taking discipiinary ach on a&ainst (hem.

3.    The composirion of chis Commission, ihc procedurę for the appointment of its members, and the conói-tions under which it will funnioo will bc deicimined by Uw.

Artrdt 83 LocjI communities

1.    The Conscitution rccogntzes the exiuenee of loeal communities.

2.    Municipalities shall be accorded the manage-JDfftt of their own affairs.

3.    OfficUk rcaponsible for the admintstrarton of vilbgc and tribal communities shall be sdcctcd from persoes of those loeal communities.


Documcnr 9    14J


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