MEMORANDUM Conceraing Trans fers by Air to Polani
I. The purpose of our enieavours to put into operation a planned transfer by air to Polani is to supplly our Militaiy Organisation in that eountiy with men, money ani war materiał, /of a diversionaiy ani sabotage kini, as well as with arms/, to an extent enabling the Militaiy Organisation to uniertake
a methoiioal ani suocessful diyersionaiy ani sabotage oampaign against the Germans.
II. Plans for Transfer by Air in 1941/42
A plan was irawn up in Septeraber 1941 for transfers by air for the perioi from October 1941 to May 1942. This plan aimei at the transfer to Polani, for the Militaiy Organisation there, of men, money ani materiał iniispensible for the unier-taking of operations against the Germans in the summęr ani autumn of 1942.
Ali necessary preparations were oarriei out by the Mili-tary Organisation in Polani. On this siie too, the men ani the war materiał were also ready in time for transfer. Ali this effort, howeyer, Y/as not utilisei. Ikiring a perioi of seyen months barely 8 flights were oarriei out, four of whloh were maie in the last operational month. Only in one flight was the loai of aircraft exploitei to the fili.
In conseąuence of these facts, the Militaiy Organisation reoeiyei only about 1,5$ of the iiversionaiy ani sabotage materiał iniispensible for taking up operations in the summę r ani autumn of 1942. Out of that smali ąuantity, some of the materiał was iestroyei.
It shouli be stressei that the Militaiy Organisation showei great efficienoy in 3uocessfully receiying about 50 men ani all the money, in spite of huge iiffioulties causei by the veiy smali rangę of the aircraft usei /reoeptlon couli only be oarriei out on a veiy smali area/ ani the fact that on several occasions the iropping operat ion was iiscoverei by the Germans who institutei pursuit.
The reasons for so unsatisfaotoiy an execution of plans laii down for trans fers by air in the perioi 1941/42 were as follows:
- Lack of aircraft with an adeąuate rangę, speei ani oeiling. .