4. Why was the world war II said to be the most widespread war7
5. What does paragraph two talk about ?
Answer ...... ...................
6. How was the destructłon because of the war ?
7. At least as many cłvilians lost their lives......(para. 2 sent. 2). The word ''their'’ refers to.... ?
8. How do you feel after reading the text7
Answer *.................................•••••••.... ....................................................................................
Task 9: Flnd the words or phrases in the text that can be replaced by the followings
1. Stayed
2. Very great
3. Weremorethan
•••• ••••••••••••••• •• ta •••«•• •••••«••«?
4. Lost their houses
5. Verylargeandwide : ..
6. Completeły destroyed : ....................................................................................................
Task 10: Read each of following description or definitions then dęci de which word in tbe
box is being explained
Bypass Ca*m
cave tSsmct properous otl rig
cnastfcne met shore weather forecast
1. A main road which is built to take traffic away from the mlddie of a town by golng round the town or throogh its suburb.
2. It’s when there ‘s no loud nc*se o* 'lystte such a trafflc* crowds, etc
3. Thecondltlon of being wealthy ard SMCcessfu1 ;fe
4. The border between the sea and tr-e land «x the.outftne of a coast, it appears when we see it from an aeroptane or from the sea
5. It is an area or a particular area oo^rr-ses parócular places for living such as vil!ages and country side arouńd a town
6. The land along the edge of a sea a«ce r- w»de river
7. It usually appears early In the mom.rg as the result of condensation near the ground
8. A large structure wlth eguipment for expk?nng ołl from under the ground or under the sea
9. It ’s a larger hole In the side of a hiil or underground. Primltive peopte used it as a home
10. It tells us what the weather is gong to be like, for example when it rains, when it is going to be bright or cloudy in a certain region.
Task 11 : Fili in the blanks with the appropriate word in the box
Capital ’■limestoke^f 'ettinc **** d4#fiSh' " *n
1. Java and Sumatera is sparated by the Sunda..
2. Ja karta Is the ....to.fów. ........dty of Indonesia which is inhabteć by 8.8 mlllion people
3. Papua which covers23 percentof the^®fc&£*Jw*.. land mass is nt^d^seiy populat«5d
4. A number of vołcanoes in java are still actlve and some of them
5. UfJ&fe&and antharacyte are mixed with drjed are in the rota-y drier
6. Winter in America was cold, wet and .....
7. I was...................recognlzed by the guard guarding the entrace of the Office
8. a scientifięstudy of the buildings
9. A bomb has £^.lfl&*&....and cause damage to the buldings
10. What does the....................of an area mean?
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