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BERLIN, Sop'. i ;PiM«y) !A.P.) -Adolf Hitler to Jur ordered dtr German army to mpe« torc# wfth (orce. HI* order of the day 10 Ifce »rmy nul:
*Tbe PotUh «t»t« ha* reftrud my a!lort» to oaublaali neilhboHy rriitiom, and iaataad hit aopcaled to wnponi. Gornuna ia PDbftd «ic ylctltn* of a Moody tenor, drtvan (rota ttooee and homr. A tri U* of bonltf ytotarion* uetbearable fot a fireat powcr fhow tbat łba Poła* oo longer trt w Kling to rcapecl tbt German border.
"To poł ar, tai to tbcae Uaue lucitatioti*. oołhlng rmnalr* bu< lor tae to toeel (orce wtth lorce fro® now oo. ń* Carmen nrmy will condttct ■ flghr lor honor *nd dic right to tbe lii* ol the returrected German ptopfe with firm dełermlnettoai I «xp*ct Ital •«>> asldler. mindful of tb* »rr*t tradittooa of tli* ettrnal Ciemno imlltny, wi3 do bi* dwty to the law.
"Kranmber alwaya that you Irr i«prctont»tlvc» of Oc National bodallw great Germany. i people and onr rekhl*__
FS PFPfllT'------wMTUKMPl WAK ■uiunilł
LmitnSaJt ~-«Ii a ChiMraa "C. ; U. Safe AraeSS
cv«a» Tr ba. ItWt*. IW. hy 1.1 W* / C<vrl»M eKItHneonuM. AB KijH. Kwawd
e CoDyrlg-y. Fundacja l-n Atottartd'* BiASlokA, Sprawi* (Swojo WtfM Narodów $wtu
TIk MII brwakof World W*rII
Quae simos cum hil iust,
cum volecte net volore porrum re nimus, aligent lant es doluptatur sum
magni* alit rerepcr OTidcril lalialt
e»t cno beri "J.cfcp udkthiai beta beueacrjr tc oOfcabo Sokm wpita itouluc vołon> v*taan
Att (KM ICIII « C.U1IM potili ci
v«rlcŁaeq«łi dolca toto r-cd*«r.m DoandipiL ea^rainui cntitcik w« sj <\m oaxlm ui vao Muipimp!* *1 mj» nadeito łerillwn iw?
K'i quMur, <|i« nim. c«iunK]uiuits tokcup utbunin cu» ulpaum lfc*H alit Kr (era dUio. Ntqtu* votovwł nim inl et *d« cttuv fołjęoitm opoi* rtilll volupt/ apatfae eoajcl qi* offlel at M <|to:ur ma ni tit. <|B uu.ni bon/
Tł»t,»M,jlr. lulał
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CatfnjK O Sil > Na-wiian,
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Sj* Cos AnffiSjs glmefi ...rrżP
Fue temoverema. siliei prartis bonsimpliconihilla contemnonsulto movehenatur. Iciam atluaum Iguons re nos, popotiam nondio, cauliumponc