Tobie fl. IViiio*tilnilxni i*f !u«*livfomii iii t-miiitu milk lin iii^iiiLi łi»vł>nliu^ lo tłu* lileniUir**
R*ifi-r«<iH*»‘ |
Minimum Yullłli |
vulu.i |
<)wi» 11996) |
2.000 |
6.000 |
EU2uvi*.l U ul. < 19961 |
2.4*0 | |
Klujmy • 1 ul. < 1 !«>•* 1 |
0-020 |
0.080 |
ZL«iij: *4 *1. (2006j1 |
5UI50 |
7.2HO |
Kl-Huimi (2006) |
0.140 |
0.420 |
Pr«<M«ir r%*nlt* |
0.066 |
II.S.H.S |
,Exprostt>d aw tf»> parreoitagu of ti*ul protein* for tbo Hm Irian tumul ani)*.
1 2 4 6 7
Figurę 4. Chnngi* in the lactofł-rrin I1.4) ooncentration in colca-tnira fn>m Ibe DnMnrdnry nflrr parturitinci.
OISCUSSION Sampling Proceduro
The sampling design aiined tooptiinize the voriabil-ity in milk composition aocording to the maiit variation factor* generałly described in the literaturę: species (single- or double-hnmped camels and their hybrids), region lincluding farming practices and feeding system* )> and season (including the feeding system and physiological status as the calvmg period occurred be-tween January and April >. However, ł>ecauseof the long distanoes between region* and harsh conditions in the winter, and because of the spedfic presence of Bactrian or Dromedary camel* in some regions, it was not possi-ble to collect milk samples in some cases and to proride
1 2 4 6 7
Figurv JV- <'h*ll£«<k in lim !jj<: n^ioMitratłuii of n/ki-trnrn >w«ni|ali >•
fh>ni ih«» Dronmlury 41 lt« r part urit fon-
Information for all the ce lis (spedes x region x season). Thus, our sampling design was unbalanced because of field constramts. Because some cells were not informed or had a limited nuinber of samples. nonsignificant re-sults could have been due to a lack of statistical power and to questionable results.
Laboratory Methods
The methods used in the present study were tested all along the proces* to control the critical point* at each step. The analytical method retained was that of Mandni (1965), as niodified by Levieux (1991). For determination, the Lf and IgG protein* were purified by dassical methods (ion-exchange chromatography) and then oontrolled for purity. Rabbits were immunized against camel Lf and camel IgO to obtain polydonal antibodies. Those antibodies were tested by the method of Ouchterlony i Mandni et aL 1965 ) with standard Solutions of proteins and al&o other milk proteina to see whether the polydonal serum presented anotlier immunity activity to otlier proteins. The spedfidty of the anti-Lf-camel and anti-IgG-cainel actidty was tested with oontrolled bovine polydomil antibodies. Fi-nally. the polydomil serum was tested by iinmuuoclec-trophoresis (Levieux et ul.. 2005; El-Hatiiii et al., 2006). After these tests. the methods used were determinod to be adequate to describe variations in the Lf and IgG coneentrations.
Lf Coneentrations in Milk and Colostrum
The Lf concentration inereased in spring milk. The maili muson could be a better quality of postura from Mardi to Junc, but no data aro availablc in the literaturę 011 the cffectof feeding on camels milkoomposition. Most of the auimals sampled in the spring were proba-bly at the beginning of lactatiou, when the protein con-tent in milk is gencrally higher.
Some studies of the Lf content in camels milk have shown different conoentrations of this protein <Table 6). However, the autJiors have used different methods
Journal cl Dairy Scionco Vol 90 No 1. 2007