Table I. Mean. sCaiubrd-dwiation, minimum And waximun: of each fart)' acid (in %} in camel milk and shuhae fn = 31)
Fatty acieb |
Ńl |
N6 |
*8 |
Ń10 |
N12 |
NM |
Ń16 |
Ń16:1 |
\19 |
Ń 18:1/9 |
Ńlfcl/7 |
Ń18:3 |
Ń20 N20:7 |
Ret- | |
Mttfct |
0.16 |
0 .OS |
010 |
11,24 |
1.05 |
12.78 |
24.55 |
7.16 |
18.84 |
14.86 |
4.64 |
2.35 |
087 |
1.34 |
8.72 |
SD |
0.29 |
0.09 |
0.10 |
1S.0S |
0.52 |
5.94 |
11.74 |
3.56 |
8.83 |
11.26 |
4.97 |
1.33 |
0,14 |
0.00 |
11-60 |
Min |
0.00 |
0-00 |
o.oo |
057 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0-00 |
6.73 |
000 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.77 |
1.34 |
U05 |
Max |
0.05 |
0.28 |
0.31 |
89 13 |
2,510 |
28.62 |
42,041 |
17.55 |
3S.35 |
36,930 |
26.50 |
5.64 |
0.97 |
1.34 |
31.15 |
obtained was about 1 gram. This fat was uscd for furthor anatyscs.
CC analysis for fatty aad cofnposition
One gram of fal was dissolved in 5 ml hexane. Sevcnly-fivc pi of the sołution was placed under a nitrogen pump to rcmove hexane. Then a mixturc of hexane and tsopropanol (3/2, V/V) was added. One ml of a mixture of isopropanol (1 in)) with 36N sulfuric acid (2C0 ml) was added to the mixturc. Tl Hm the mixtutr was placed into a oij balii at HHTC for 1 hour. Tlren, linl distiUed walc* wa* added and inoibated for 10 miii in an ice balh. \[ msulted in a formation of an organie and d walec phases. 'Ihe organie phase was diluted by 2 ml hexdftC and uscd for further work. 05 pi of the sołution was analysed by ga$-chromatography.
Fatty arid was analysed by GC (Carlo Erba 8000 Top) with a Split inyector (ratio 1/30), flarr-e-iomsation detector and a fuscd silica capillary cohirnn SUPBLCOWAX- 10 (30 m. 0.32 mm, id, 25 mm film thickncss, Supclco, Bellafonte, USA). The column temperatur* was krpt at 190°C. for 4 min, theii raiscd to 210MC at4°C/min and held at 210°C for 15 mm the injcctor aikI ctecctor tempera tu ie> werr 250X1 1 lelium was uscd as cairier gas at How ratę of 2 ml/min.
The carryinp out of the gas chromatography analysts gavc the ncxt cumpasition of fatty acids:
- Saiurated actds: butyric (C4), caproic (C6), caprilic (CR), capric (CIO), lauric (02), miristk (C14), palmitir (06), steorir (08), arachkhc (C20)
- Mono-unsaturated acids: palmitoleic (CI6.1), oleić omega 9 (C18:l /9), vaccenic omega 7 (ClS:l/7)
• Poly-unsaturated acids: linoleic omega G (Cl8-2/U). Onolenoic add (08:3)
Butync. caproic and caprilic acids were typical of fr*w milksamples only.
Statistiml analysts
As the objectivc is to liave an idea of the variability of fatty acld composition with only at least one sample in cuch cdi rcgiun. speries and ocason, llw variance analysts was not applicabfo. The analysts of the fatty actd profile* was achievcd with multivariate analysis (prindpal componenls analysis and duster analysis). In order to compare the present resuUs to thosc of the literaturo on camel milk, a prindpal components analysis was also achieved (meta-analysis) using the Winstat software (ORAD®).
On avcrage, accordmg to standard-deviation (SD), the milk and shubat suinplcs sliowed a high tndividual variability in the quantiłalive oompnstliun of fatty acids (labie 1) The main fatty acids in camel milk a/eClft, 04. Cl 6, CIS and C 18:1. It k remarkable to notę that there is only a smali amount of short Chain fatty acids, usually very common in animal milks.
The main studied variation factors were the regtons, the spccics and Ihe season. As the number of samples in each cluster (region, species, scason) is gcnerally 1 only. the rcsults cxprcssed cach factors separatcly.
Variations according tó the fCgions
For each n-gion (Almaty, Atyiau, Aralsk and Shymkenl), some differences were obscrved and can bc cxplaincd by a hcterogencous distribution of farms and di/ferenl climaiic conditions, but as the animal
(dromedary. bactrian and their hybrids) were not present in each region, the variation part can bc duc to Species aLso (Tabie 2). The main features ar« at Atyrju, the milk i$ ilcher m Ció and C18, at Sh>mkent in CIO, in Aralsk in C14 and C 18:1/9, and at Almaty in unsaturaked fatty acids Cl8:l/7, C18^3 and C20. In a!l the cases, the richness in C 18:2 is very impórtant flS to 27%).
Variatiomi according to the species
The composition of fatty acids in hactrian milk Scemrd rti^itiy different than b>dromedary milk (labie 3). Bactnan milk is ridusr in C14, Clb and C18:l(n-9) comparcd to diumedary milk wliich JS richer in CIO, C!8 and Cl8:l(n-7). Tlie hybrid milk comjKxsitinn is not realiy intermediatc betwcen hactriau and dromedary as we cotdd expert The hybrid milk is nrher iu C 1G.*0 and C IS. 1
46 / Junc 2006 of Camel izraelitę and Kestrarch