The tragic defeat cf Ptanoo, far centuriea un ited to the Poliah nation by ties af friendship and cotnradoahip, did not break the 3pirit of resistanoe af the Polo a, When the wholo bar den af ocrrying on the strugglo foli on Britain's shouldera and when with the higheat courage her peoplo ml lAddbohind their PrinB-Minister with the watcb-wcrd fWo a hall norer surrender" the late General Sikorski inf armed Mr.Winstan Churohill that Pol and would continua at the aide af Great B ri toin.

Thanks to the assistanoe af Great Britain and later ciao to that af the

United States out armad forces began far the seoand time to be ar gani sod now on B ritain'a hospitable aoil.

Pol and "a oontributicn in thio aa yet unfiniahed period af the war is generally kncwn. In France Poliah Airmn ahot down 55 enery piane a far certain, and prcbably 40 morę. Pt:cen baaea in Gt.Britain they have ahot dom over 570 eneny piane a far oertain and anothor 153 "próbablos". Their aaorifices may be gaaged from the faot that ab out 1,400 airmen hare been killed sińce the Poliah AirFcroe began to operate fram Great Britain,

Equally well known is the ccntributicn af the Poliah Nary, Prom Septenber I939> it has aeryeduntłterruptedly at the aide of the Rcyał Navy. The exploita of our ycwng Navy have wen their Britiah corarade's admłration, and the namea af their shipa, like Orzeł, Burza, Grcen, and marę lately Dzik, hawo beoone aymbals af the fine seamanship and courage.

Poliah amy unita todk port in the Libyan ennral gna, eapeoially in the defence af Tobruk and in the Battle af Gazala, Today, in fuli oo-operaticn with our Britiah Alliea, Paland* a Armod Poroeo aro aotively flghting in the air and aa the seas or preparing far the oaning operatians.

The Poliah Arny in the Middle East was f armod cf Polos who after the signature af the Palish-Soviet Paot cf July i£ 30th 1941 regained their freedcm and volunteered en maase far the Poliah Arny than being farmad in Sowiet Russia.

Unfcrtunately the Poliah Govemment were unable to gain the ccn3ent af the Soviet autharitiea far all ablo-bodied Pole a co the territeriea en Soviet Susaia to enter the Poliah Arny, while the rupture by the USSR of her Diplcmatio Relatians with Paland nade further effarts in 1żiis respeot impo3sible. That is the reaacn why the strength of the Poliah Arny in the Middle 3ast has not inereased beyand z 80,000 afficers and men*

HM Pol and'a part in the war, heweror, has been by no me ans liadted to the Septenber canpalgn ar to the subseąuent tarnitt atruggles af harvtr©qps en warious war frenta, The numarioally strengest anty under ny conmand is the Underground amy in tarmsnted and terrorised Oocupiod Paland,    \

Hero again Polani was the first among the conqurered oamrtr&es to make steady progress in face af unbelievablc difficulties and it oarriss aut the tasks that are imposed on it with tho utmost soldierly devoticn»

All in all, I may olaim that during the past four yaars cf war Pol and has faithfully and fully disahargod her óbligatians as an Ally among the United Naticns*

The soldiers af Paland have remained faithful to the watetwrard cf Kościuszko and Pułaski: " Par our Preedoa and Tours".Without regard to the sacrifioes they will be called to make, they will not cease to struggle until the national aoil of the Republic within its pre-war frantiera is regained and the Alliea af Pol and have defeated their enemies. That, I knor is the s£irit whioh animates all the f arce3 under ny command.    r


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