« Th« Bibliography of the Publications of the Scientific Workers of the Technical Uniyersity of Łódź for 1966 " contains popularscientific and dldactic worka. With regard to the form of publications bibliography containa original worka, articles from periodical8 and sonie chaptera from collective worka.
The sources for this bibliography haa been the liate of publl-cationa aent by the acientific workers of the Technical University of Łódź, " Bibliographical Guide " ( Przewodnik Bibliograficzny),
” Bibliography of the Content of Periodicalo " ( Bibliografia Zawartości Czasopism ) and the catalogues of the Chief Library.
The Bibliography is diyided into six partaj
Part I w Publications of the scientific workers of the Technical Univeraity of Łodz". These are the original worka and references to the other parts of Bibliography.
Part II " Collective worka , conferences and oongresses pu -
blished by the scientific workers of the Technical University of Łódź or their cooperation ".
Part IIT " The list of periodicals published by the Technical
University of Łódź or edited by its scientific wor -
Fart IV B Patents worked out by the scientific workers of the
Technical Uniyersity pf Łódź
Part V " Supplement3 for 1963 - 1966 "
Part VI " Publications about the Technical University of Łódź”
Patents contains the descriptions of patents of the scientific workers of the Technical Uniyersity of Łodz for 1966, This part is also arranged aocording to the atructure of the organisaticn of the Technical Uniyersity of Łódź. So it is divided into six facul-ties.
The publications about the Technical Uniyersity of Łódź is a new chapter in the Bibliography . It contains the articles and