Oleg Boyko

Subject-activity model in forming officer s leadership competence in the Academy of Ground Forces of Ukrainę.................................................................................... 84

Mykola Kos

Historical-pedagogical analysis of model and simulation development as a part of tactical training of military professionals............................................................. 85

Natalija Kozhemiako

Methods of communicative competence formation of futurę specialists in the field of law during the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines.......................... 86

Sergii Yashchuk

Environmental law in ukraine: present and prospects............................................... 87

Oksana Vytrykhovska

Classification of economic disciplines on the level of information technology.........    88

Ulyana Ivanivna Terletska

Chernihiv Province Primary Schools of Agriculture in Late 19lh-Early

20* Century............................................................................................................. 89

Część piąta

PROBLEMY KSZTAŁCENIA NAUCZYCIELI................................................. 90

Oleksandr Sokolov, Maria Mazorchuk, V. Dobriak, Wiesław Urbaniak Testing of the acąuirement of student’s generał educational competence.................. 91

Natalia Ridey, Svetlana Palamarchuck, Denis Shofolov

The introduction of credit-module and module-rating technology education

in Ukraine................................................................................................................ 92

Olena Bermicheva, Nataliia Burukovska

Problem-based seminar strategies at higher educational establishments.

Novel approach....................................................................................................... 93

Ireneusz Zawłocki, Krzysztof Niewiadomski, Ewa Nieroba

Trudne sytuacje szkolne w    ocenie uczniów i nauczycieli.......................................... 94

Ludmiła Vikhreva

The interconnection of parent-child relationships with the propensity

to manipulating at senior schoolboys........................................................................ 95


K otazkam technickej neverbalnej komunikacie żiakov niźśieho sekundarneho vzdelavania.............................................................................................................. 96

Jan Stebila, Luboś KriśTak

Teaching climate of a technical subject in the process of applying ict tools



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