24 Dorota Bedn, i-Olejnic
Banking marketing in customer value creation
Summary. Creation and deliveiy of customer value is one of Ihe most important issues for banking in the light of tlić incrcasingly compctitivc market. Marketing in banking scctor is inliercntly based on cxchangc processcs - namely. transaclions madę between the bank and ils custoiners, and
point of prospective values - they slrive for maximization of those \ alues. while at the same linie appraising the cost incurrcd in the proccss. They have ccrtain cxpcctalions with regard to the value of seryices offered. and those expcctations sltape their behavior. Tliis paper presents Ihe notion of customer value and ils dctcnninants. as well as Ihe ways to imptove customer value creation.
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