A3 Introduction 

A3 Introduction 

2. Differences in pronunciation, which require different spellings, and variants of the same word, although pro-nounced the same way in both countries, will also be



aędo    acęao    action

Antonio    Antonio    Anthony

diretor    director    dircctor

otimista    optimista    optimist

These variants will also be given in parentheses, or in a footnote, and will be marked ©.

3.    Other differences, as in vocabulary and word oider, will be indicated in the same manner: abacwci {ananas ®) pineapple; Eu me diverti (Eu divertime ®)

1 had a good time. At times ® will be used to indicate a particularly Brazilian form: marrom ® brown; sueter ® sweater.

4.    In some cases the use of certain words or forms is optional, and they may or may not be used: subject pronouns, the definite article (especially with posses-sives, and used morę in Portugal than in Brazil—see Lesson 15), etc. These optional forms will sometimes be given in parentheses, and ConversationaI Portuguese will indicate differences between the two sets of record-ings: (Ela) chama-se Maria, E (a) minka irma, Her name is Mary. She is my sister.

5.    In the Uving LanguageCommon Usagę Dictionary, the Continental Portuguese variation will be given in parentheses. The designators ® and ® will be used only when they seem necessary for clarity.

Course Materiał

The materiał of the complete Living Language Course® consists of the following:

1.    2 hour-long cassettes or 4 łong-płaying records. The label on each face indicates clearly which lessons are contained on that side. Living Portuguese is available in both Continental and South American (Brazilian) editions.

2.    ConversationaI Portuguese manuał. This book is designed for use with the recorded lessons, or it may be used alone. It contains the following sec-tions:

Basic Portuguese Vocabulary and Grammar Summary of Portuguese Grammar Letter Writing

3.    Portuguese-Engiish/Engłish-Portuguese Common Usage Dictionary. A special kind of dictionary that gives you the literał translations of morę than 18,000 Portuguese words, plus idiomatic phrases and sentences illustrating the everyday use of the morę important vocabulary and 1,000 essential words capitalized for quick reference.

How to Use Conyersational Portuguese with the Living Language™ Cassettes


There are 2 cassettes with 10 lessons per side. The beginning of each lesson is announced on the tape and each lesson takes approximately 3 minutes. If your cassette player has a digit indicator, you can locate any desired point precisely.


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