2. Fabiański Robert. Kuchta Bogdan: Polymorphism of cyanoadamantanc ciystal. Phase Transit. 2003, vol. 76. s. 815-821.


Andrzej Miniewicz

1.    Bartkiewicz Stanisław, Matczyszyn Katarzyna. Miniewicz Andrzej. Kajzar Francois: High gaili of light in photoconducting polyiner - neniatic liquid ciystal hybrid stractures. Opt. Commun. 2001 vol. 187 nr 1-3 s. 257-261.

2.    Bartkiewicz Stanisław. Miniewicz Andrzej. Kajzar Francois: Photoconducting polymer - neniatic liquid ciystal hybrid stractures the promising choicc for optical information proccssing. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., A Mol. Cryst. Liq. 2001 vol. 361 s. 135-142.

3.    Bartkiewicz Stanisław . Miniewicz Andrzej. Kajzar Francois: Novcl highly efficient hybrid photoconducting polymer - liquid ciystal stractures and their application for optical beam processing. W: Organie Photonic Materials and Devices III. Eds Bernard Kippclcn, Donal D. C. Bradley. San Jose. USA, 24-25 January 2001. Bellingham. Wasli.: SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, cop. 2001 s. 53-62,7.

4.    Bartkiewicz Stanisław. Miniewicz Andrzej. Sahraoui B. Kajzar Francois: Dynamie charge-carrier-mobility-mediatcd holography in thin layers of photoconducting polymers. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2002 vol. 81 nr 20 s. 3705-3707.

5.    Kajzar Francois. Bartkiewicz. Stanisław. Miniewicz Andrzej: Photorefraetivity in organics. W: Organie nanostructures: science and applications. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi". Ed. by V. M. Agranovich and G. C. La Rocca. Varenna. [Italy], 31 July -10 August 2001. Amsterdam |i in.|: IOS Press 2002 s. 467-490.

6.    Miniewicz Andrzej. Gniewek Andizcj. Parka Janusz: Liquid crystals for photonic applications. Opt. Mater. 2002 vol. 21 s. 605-610.

7.    Bartkiewicz Stanisław'. Matczyszyn Katarzyna. Myśliwiec Jarosław. Miniewicz. Andrzej. Sahraoui B. Martineau C. Blanchard P. Frere P, Roncali J. Kajzar Francois: Liquid ciystal panel with dye doped PVK layerforreal time holography processcs. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol.. A Mol. Cryst. Liq. 2002 vol. 374 s. 85-90.

8.    Myśliwiec Jarosław. Miniewicz Andrzej. Bartkiewicz Stanisław. Kajzar Francoise: Dy namie holography with pulsc ps laser in hybrid polymer liquid ery stal panel. W: Photorcfractivc effeets, matcrials. and dcvices. Proceedings. Eds Philippe Delayc [i in. La Colle sur Loup, France, June 17-21.2003], Washington: Optical Society of America, cop. 2003 s. 244-248, (Trends in Optics and Photonics Series: vol. 87).

9.    Schab-Balcerzak Ewa. Grabiec Eugenia. Sęk Danuta. Miniewicz. Andrzej: New azobenzene chromophores as monomers for synthesis of polyesters. Połym. J. 2003 vol. 35 nr 11 s. 851 -858.


Jan Misiewicz

1.    Sitarek Piotr, Kudrawiec Robert. Sęk Grzegorz. Misiewicz. Jan, Paszkiewicz. Regina, Koibutowicz Ryszard. Paszkiewicz Bogdan. Tlaczala Marek: Photorcflcctancc im estigations of GaN cpitaxial layers.

Mater. Sci. Eng.. B Solid-State Mater. 2001 vol. 81 nr 1-3 s. 209-211.

2.    Andrzejewski Janusz, Misiewicz Jan: Energy band stracture of Zn3P2-type semiconductors: analysis of the ery stal stracture simplifications and energy band calculations. Phys. Status Solidi, B Basic Res. 2001 vol. 227 nr 2 s. 515-540.

3.    Ulatowska Agnieszka. Kudrawiec Robert. Podbielska Halina. Biyja Leszek. Misiewicz Jan: Transmittancc examination in sol-gel derńcd matriccs for optoelcctronic applications. Opt. Mater. 2001 vol. 17 nr 1/2 s. 247-250

4.    Kudrawiec Robert Bryja Leszek. Misiewicz. Jan, Paszkiewicz Regina. Koibutowicz Ryszard. Panek Marek. Paszkiew icz H. Tlaczala Marek: Optical properties of GaN layers grown by MOCVD. W: Epilayers and hcterostracturcs in optoclcctronics and scmicondudor technology. International Confcrence on Solid State Crystals 2000. Eds Jarosław Rutkowski. Jakub Wenus, Leszek Kubiak. Zakopane. 9-13 October2000. Bellingham. Wash.: SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2001 s. 37-40, (SPIE Proceedings Series. ISSN 0277-786X; vol. 4413)

5.    Sicrański Kazimierz. Kubisa Maciej. Szatkowski Jan. Misiewicz Jan: Półprzewodniki i struktury półprzewodnikowe. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydaw. PWioc. 2002,384 s.

6.    Hrcniak D. Jasiorski M, Maraszewski Krzysztof. Kępiński L. Krajczyk L. Misiewicz Jan, Stręk W: Naturę and optical behaviourof heavily europium-doped silica glasses obtained by the sol-gel method. J. Non-Ciyst. Solids 2002 vol. 298 s. 146-152.

7.    Kudrawiec Robert. Misiewicz. Jan. Paszkiewicz Regina. Paszkiewicz Bogdan. Tlaczala Marek: Optical properties of nominally undoped n-type MOVPE GaN epilayers. Opt. Appl. 2002 vol. 32 nr 3 s. 381-388,.

8.    Domaradzki Jarosław. Prociów Eugeniusz. Kaczmarek Danuta, Berlicki Tadeusz, Kudrawiec Robert. Misiewicz Jan. Mielcarek Witold: Stractural. optical and clectrical characterization of Co-Pd doped Ti02 scmiconducting thin films sputtered on sihcon. Opt. Appl. 2003 Vol. 33 nr 4 s. 661-668


Andrzej Dziedzic

1.    Dziedzic Andrzej, Snarskii Andrei A: Percolation theoiy and its application in materials science and microelectronics. (Pt. 1 - Theoretical description). Inf. MIDEM 2001 Letnik 31 st. 1 s. 1-9

2.    Dziedzic Andrzej: Percolation theory and its application in matcrials science and microelectronics (Pt. 3. Expcriments and numcrical simulation). Inf. MIDEM 2001 Letnik 31 st. 3 s. 141-152. Refcratz37th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Optoelcctronic Device and Applications. Bohinj. Slovenia, October 10-12,2001

3.    Dziedzic Andrzej: Some remarks about application of percolation theoiy in microelectronics and materials science. W: 37th International Confcrence on Microelectronics. Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Optoelectronic Devices and Aplications. MIDEM Conference 2001. Proceedings. |Eds F. Smole. M. Topie, I Sorli]. Bohinj. Slovcnia, October 10-12,2001. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics. Electronic Components and Materials 2001 s. 305-310.


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