a great contribution to soil mechanics and were continuing to do so. It appeared, from what Prof. Jennings had told the Committee, that the U.N.Resolutions were not relevant to this situation. He would be glad to report in fuli the feelings of the Executive Committee on his return to Japan and would endeavour, if the Executive Committee agreed, to take the strongest action with their Government about it. But he feared that they might be unable to affect a change.

He pointed out that cancellation at a late stage would be a most serious matter for the host country:    he himself had spent nearly three

years working on the plans for the conference and many other engineers had been involved to a lesser degree. His aim, however, was the well-being of the International Society for which he and the Japanese had the greatest regard.

Prof. Za-Chieh Moh said that in his view, it would be almost impossible for a National Society to guarantee what would be the attitude of their government about visas a number of years hence.

He believed that attending a conference was generally classified as "tourism" so what was being asked of the South Africans might not, in fact, be too unreasonable. Furthermore, if the motion were accepted, the International Society would be in duty bound to ask the assur-ance of the Organising Committees of all the Conferences which we were sponsoring (i.e. our own Regional Conferences, the Conference on Induced Seismicity in Banff, the First Baltic Conference, etc) that all the members of our Society would be permitted to attend them.

Dr. Chetyrkin expressed his agreement with Dr. Moh's views.

Items 1, 2, 3 and U of the motion were agreed unanimously by show of hands.

On a secret ballot being taken for items 5 and 6 the voting was as follows apporter une si grandę contribution a la m<§canique des sols. D'apres les dśclarations du Pr Jennings, les rśsolutions des Nations Unieś ne s'appliquent pas & la prćsente situation. A son retour au Japon, il transmettra in extenso le sentiment du Comite ex§cutif; si le Comite Ex§cutif le veut, il s'efforcera de protester energiquement auprds du Gouvernanent Japonais. II craint cependant qu'il ne soit pas possible d'obtenir un revirement.

II prścise gu'une annulation de derniere heure serait trds s^rieuse pour le pays hote.    Lui

menve a consacrś prds de 3 ans a 1'organisation de la Conference et bien d'autres y ont travaill6 dans une moindre mesure. Neanmoins, son but est le succds de la Societe Internationale que lui-mone, ainsi que la Societe Japonaise, tiennent dans la plus grandę estime.

L'avis du Pr. Za-Chieh Mah est qu'il serait ąuasiment impossible pour une Societe Nationale de garantir 1* attitude de son gouvernanent envers les visas dans quelques annees. II pense qu'assister cl une conf§rence est generałement classe ccmne activitś de "tourione"; ainsi, ce que l'on desnande aux Sud-Africains n'est peut etre pas en fait trop deraisonnable. En outre, si cette rśsolution est adoptee, la Societe sera moralenent obligśe d'exiger des garanties de tous les oauitśs d'organisation de toutes les confćrences parrainees par notre Societe (nos propres confśrences regionales, la conference sur la seismicite induite, a Banff, la premidre conference baltique, ....) que 1'ensemble des menbres de notre Societe pourra y assister.

Le Dr. Chetyrkin se dit d 'accord avec 1'avis du Dr. Moh.

Les paragraphes 1, 2, 3, 4 de la motion sont acceptes & 1'unanimite £ main levee.

Apres un scrutin secret sur les paragraphes 5 et 6, le rdsultat est:


In favour





In favour




§ 5





§ 6





The motions were therefore adopted and item 7 was agreed nem eon.

The Vice-Presidents were reąuested to write to the organisers of their Regional Conferences stating that if the spirit of By-Law 15 is not observed at their fortheoming conference then the conference cannot be termed a Regional Conference of the ISSMFE. The organising committees of any other conferences being sponsored by the ISSMFE should be similarly informed by the Secretary General. This was agreed with one dissentient.

22. On behalf of the Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Symbols, Units, Definitions and Standards,

M. Post reported that the work of the Committee was proceeding well and a fuli report would be madę to the next Executive Committee. The Lexicon would be ready for printing by September 1975 but the money to print this is not available.

Les motions sont adoptees, personne n'opposant le paragraphe 7.

On demande aux Vice-Presidents d'ecrire aux organisateurs de leurs Conferences regionales pour les informer que dans le cas oCl 1'esprit de 1'article 15 des statuts ne serait pas respecte lors de leurs conferences futures, la conference ne pourra etre ąualifiee de "conference SIMSF".

Le Secretaire General devra dgalanent informer les organisateurs des autres Conferences parrainees par la SIMSF de cette dścision. Cette proposition est adoptee, une seule voix etant contrę.

22.Au nom de la Ocnmission sur les symboles, unites, definitions et nomes, M. Post informe la rdunion que le travail de cette Gorrrrtission progresse de faęon satisfaisante; un rapport complet sera soumis cl la prochaine Reunion executive. Le Lexioon sera pręt pour 1' iirprimeur en septembre 1975 mais les fonds nścessaires £ 1'impression manguent.



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