(Draft established by the Special Committee appointed by the Executive Committee at its session of 15 August 1953.) (As amended at Lausanne and English text edited.)
I. Name, Aim, Headąuarters and Official Languages of the Society
(1) The name of the Society is: International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering; in French: Societe Internationale de mecaniąue des sols et des travaux de fondations.
(2) The aim of the Society is the promotion of intemational co-operation among scicntists and cnginccrs in the field of soil mechanics and its practical applications.
The Intemational Society ensures this co-operation by:
(a) pcriodically holding International Conferences;
(b) creating permanent Research Committees;
(c) circularizing the annual reports of the National Socicties;
(d) publishing a pcriodical report at least once a year;
(e) promoting the publication of abstracts.
(3) The official languages of the Society are English and French.
(Projet elabore par la Commission nommee par le Comite executif lors de sa session du 15 aout 1953 et revise lors de la Session du Comite executif a Lausanne le 26 aout 1953.)
I. - Nom, but, sićge et Iangues officielles de la Societe
1° Le nom de la Societe est Societe Internationale de meca-niąuc des sols et des travaux de fondations; en anglais: International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.
2° Le but de la Societe est de promouvoir une collaboration internationale entre les savantset les ingenieursdans ledomaine dc la mecaniąue des sols et de scs applications.
Pour assurer cette collaboration, la Societe Internationale:
a) organise periodiąuement des Congres Internationaux;
b) crec des Commissions pcrmanentes d’etude;
c) diffuse les rapports annuels des Societes Nationales;
d) publie un bulletin periodiąue ąui paraitra au moins une fois l*an;
e) encourage la publication de resumes.
3° Les Iangues officielles de la Societe sont 1’anglais et le franęais.
II. Mcmbership, National Organizations, Contributions II. - Mcmbres, organisations nationales, cotisations
(4) The International Society is composed of National So-cieties. The National Societies may be affiliated to existing Engineering Societies. The National Societies shall be governed by the rules stated in Articles 6, 7, 8.
The application of a new National Society for membership must be submitted to the Executive Committee of the International Society who have the right to accept or reject it.
Should the Society belong to a country in good standing re-presented on the Executive Committee at the Third International Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering it shall be automatically admitted.
(5) Each individual or colIcctive member of a National So-cicty is automatically a member of the International Society.
In countries where no National Society exists the resident shall apply for admission to a National Society of his choice willing to accept his application.
(6) Annual contributions, individual and collective, shall be collected by the National Societies. The National Societies
4° La Societe Internationale est composee de Societes Nationales. Les Societes Nationales peuvent etre affiliees a des societes d’ingenieurs deja existantes. Les Societes Nationales sont soumises aux regles fixees aux articles 7, 8 et 9.
La demande d’admission d’une nouvelle societe est soumise au Comite executif de la Societe Internationale qui a le droit de 1’accepter ou de la rejeter.
Si la societe appartient a un pays remplissant les conditions reąuises par les statuts et deja represente au Comite executif du Troisieme Congres International de mecaniąue des sols et des travaux de fondations, elle est admise automatiąuement.
5° Chaąue membre individuel ou collectif d’une Societe Na-tionale est automatiąuement membre de la Societe Internationale.
Dans les pays n’ayant pas de Societe Nationale le reąuerant sollicitera son admission aupres d’une Societe Nationale de son choix disposee a acccpter sa demande.
6° Les cotisations annuelles, individuelles et collectives, sont