Representatives of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

President of the International Society

K.Terzaghi, Dr., Professor of Engineering Geology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.

Secretary of the International Society

D.    W. Taylor, Professor of Soil Mechanics, Massachusetts Institutc of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.

Organizing Committee


E.    Meyer-Peter, Dr. h. c., formerly Professor of Hydraulic Constructions and Foundation Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich


A. Stucky, Dr., Professor of Hydraulicsand Foundation Engineering, Director of the Institute of Technology of the Uni-versity of Lausanne

W. Schurter, Federal Chief Inspector of Public Works, Beme General secretary

A. von Moos, Dr., Lecturer in Engineering Geology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

D.    Bonnard, Professor of Hydraulics and Soil Mechanics at the Institute of Technology of the University of Lausanne

E.    G. Choisy, Dr. h. c., President of the Swiss Society of Civil Engineers and Architects, Geneva

J. P. Daxelhofer, Professor of Civil Engineering Technology at the Institute of Technology of the University of Lausanne

R. Haefeli, Dr., Professor of Soil and Snów Mechanics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

G. Schnitter, Professor, Director of the Institute of Hydraulics Research and Soil Mechanics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

R. Ruckli, Dr., President of the Swiss National Committee, Inspection of Public Works, Berne

A. Winiger, Director of Electro-Watt, Electrical and In-dustrial Management Co. Ltd., Zurich


Mrs. P. Kohoutoya, Zurich

Representants du Comite executif de la Socićte internationale de mecaniąue des sols et des travaux de fondations

President de la Socićte internationale

Dr K. Terzaghi, profcsseur de geologie techniąue, Harward University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.

Secretaire de la Socićte internationale

D. W. Taylor, profcsseur dc mecaniąuc des sols. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.

Comite d’organisation


Dr. h. c. E. Meyer-Peter, ancien profcsseur de travaux hydrau-liąues et de fondations k 1’Ecole polytechniąue federale, Zurich


Dr A. Stucky, professeur de travaux hydrauliques et de fondations, directeur de 1’Ecole polytechniąue de l’Universite de Lausanne

W. Schurter, ingenieur en chef de 1’Inspection federale des travaux publics, Berne

Secretaire generał

Dr A. von Moos, privat docent a l’Ecole polytechniąue federale, Zurich

D. Bonnard, professeur d’hydraulique et de geotechniąue a 1’Ecole polytechniąue de l’Universite de Lausanne

Dr h. c. E.-G. Choisy, president de la Socićte suisse des ingenieurs et des architectes, Gcneve

J.-P. Daxelhofer, professeur de technologie des materiaux de construction k 1’Ecole polytechniąue deI’Universitede Lausanne

Dr R. Haefeli, professeur de mecaniąuc des sols et de la ncigc a 1’Ecole polytechniąue federale, Zurich Dr R. Ruckli, privat docent, president du Comite national suisse de mecaniąue des terres, Beme

G. Schnitter, professeur, directeur des Laboratoires de re-cherches hydrauLiąues et de mecaniąue des terres annexes k 1’Ecole polytechniąue federale, Zurich

A. Winiger, directeur de la S. A. Electro-Watt, entreprises electriąues et industrielles, Zurich


Mme P. Kohoutoya, Zurich



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