23. It was agreed that it would be extremely difficult to produce corresponding uniform recommendations for the Proceedings of Regional Conferences but the new Vice-Presidents were asked to report on this matter to the next Executive Committee Meeting.
Report of the Information Advisory Committee
23. II est convenu qu'il serait trds difficile de faire des recommandations semblables pour les Comptes-Rendus des Congr^s Regionaux, mais les nouveaux Vice-Presidents sont prićs de faire un rapport sur cette ąuestion a la prochaine rśunion du Comit§ Ex£cutif.
Rapport du Comite Consultatif pour 1 1 In formation (IAC>
24. As indicated in Minutę 1, the Committee was joined by Mr. Norup, Dr. Kuhn,
Professor Brand and Dr. Brenner at this point in order to discuss the report of the Chairman of the IAC (Appendix 4) and this was introduced on behalf of its Chairman, Mr. J.M. DeSalvo, by Mr.Norup. Dr. Koenig reported that the FRG National Society realised the great concern of the Asian Geotechnical Engineering Centre (AGE) to produce Abstracts at a price which could be afforded by the developing countries of Asia but he pointed out that the German Geotechnical Abstracts, which are an official publication of the ISSMFE, had existed in a precarious financial State for some years after their inception. They had survived only due to the generosity of the Volkswagen Foundation.
GA were prepared to make their abstracts available at a reduced price to individ-uals in Asia, for one year in the first instance, provided a Centre such as AIT would take over the distribution and collect the subscriptions. They were also prepared to supply GA direct to individuals at a reduced ratę provided the firm for which the individual worked was additionally a regular subscriber.
25. Professor Brand reported that AGE felt that the report provided by the Chairman of IAC had been unreasonably biased against them and the Secretary General agreed that the Chairman's report with attachments should not be reproduced in fuli with the Minutes of this Meeting. On behalf of AGE, Professor Brand madę a number of helpful suggestions as to how AGE should proceed in the futurę and he asked that the Current Awareness Service in particular should be given ISSMFE endorsement.
26. Mr. Flodin told of his concern that IAC and AGE should have had policy disagree-ments and he expressed his certainty that with the evident goodwill which exists on both sides that these should now be ironed out by both getting together for mutual discussion. This was gratefully accepted by all present and it was agreed that their suggestions should be transmitted to the President at an early datę.
The Meeting adjourned at this point at the end of the first dag.
24. Comme indiąue 3 1'article 1, Mr. Norup, le Dr. Kuhn, Le Professeur Brand et le Dr. Brenner se sont joints au Comitś pour discuter le rapport de Mr. J.M. D.e-Salvo, Prśsident de l'IAC (Annexe 4) presente par Mr. Norup. Le Dr.Koenig dśclare que la Soci§t£ Nationale de la RFA a compris le grand interet manifeste par 1'Asian Geotechnical Engineering Centre (AGE) S produire des Rśsumes (Abstracts) a un prix admissible par
les pays d'Asie en voie de d§veloppement, mais il rappelle que les Resumds Geotech-niques (GA) allemands, qui sont une publication officielle de la Sociśtś Internationale, ont ccnnu une situation financiere difficile dans leurs premieres annśes. Ils n'eut survecu que grace h la generositś de la Fondation Volkswagen. GA est pręt h rendre ses resumśs disponibles ź prix rśduit pour les souscripteurs individuels d'Asie, pour une periode d'essai d'un an, 3 condition qu'un centre comme l'AIT se charge de la distribution et des souscriptions.
GA est śgalement pręt 3 fournir directement 5 prix rśduit les resumes ^ des souscripteurs individuels, a condition que leur entreprise prenne une souscription supplementaire 3 tarif norma1.
25. Le Professeur Brand dśclare que 1'AGE considere que le rapport presente par le Prśsident de IAC est dśraisonablement hostile & leur dgard, et le Secrśtaire Gćnśral reconnait que le rapport du Prśsident et les pieces annexśes ne devraient pas Stre reproduits integrale-ment dans le proc£s-verbal de cette reunion. Au nom de 1'AGE, le Professeur Brand fait nombre de suggestions utiles sur le developpement futur de l'AGE
et il demande en particulier le parrainage de la Sociśtd Internationale pour le Comprehensive Awareness Service.
26. Mr. Flodin dit qu'a son avis il est normal que 1'IAC et l'AGE aient eu des divergences de politique et exprime sa certitude qu' elles seront maintenant surmontśes par
une reunion et des discussions. Ce point de vue est acceptd par tous et il est decide que leurs suggestions seront transmises ultśrieurement au President.
La rśunion est ajournóe ź la fin du premier jour.