(li) The invalidation cf securities and other deeds issueci the Bank shall le pronounced only by the Vienna Civil Court,
76f (i) Any attachments, l.iens and court orders affecting monies or securities depositect wlth the Danie or clalms pending dn these monies and securities shall be without pre-judice to the clalms of the Bank on these asseis.
(ii) In the enforcement of its clalms, the Bank 3hall be authorised to lodge the monies and securities for the amount of the claiia with the Court at the expense of the owner or the cl i .ant.
(iii) In the event of the bankruptcy or decease of the cwner of monies and securities deposited with the Bank, the Off.iclal Receiver of the Ibcecutor shall be responsiLle for notifying Bank through the ąppropriate Court and bring this Information to the notice of the person3 entitled to clalm these monies or securities* Should this notification not. be effected, the Bank shall not bo helu responsible for any pre~ judice to the creditors or claimants arising therefrom.
(iv) Should the payment of the monies and securities ceposited with the Bank be madę dependent on the return of the deeds issued in this connection, payment will be madę tc legally accredited third parties but only on production of the aforesaid deeds.
77. (i) The Bank shall have unconditional priority vo dis-pose of any monie3, bills and other securltie3 in its posses-sion to cover its own clalms or to make use of them to safe-guard its own interests*
(ii) This priority shall not only be claimed by the Bank in respect of monies, bills and other seeurities v;hich have been entrusted to ii in satisfucclon of i^s clalms, but also irrespectively uo ail moveaLle goous belonging to its debtor which the Bank ho las at any oii.e and for any purpose whatso-ever.
(iii) The Bank shall have the ri ;lit to secure payment in any way which it considers suiLabie /ih.out a court order or court assistance and irrespective cf any bankruptcy order affecting the assets of a debtor, and in the exeroise of its priority rights cannot be Lupo ied or hiiićered bj any claiiu by a third party, not even Lw proporca rights or proviously