96 Ouvrages et articles classćs selon les matieres traitćes

Simpson, William Kelly. Toshka-Arminna: Brief preliminary report, Pennsylvania-Yale Archaeological Expedition to Nubia, 1961. Fouilles en Nubie (1959-1961), Service des antiquitćs de 1’Egypte, Le Caire, 1963, p. 41-43.

Simpson, William Kelly. Nubia: The University Museum-Yale Univer-sity Expedition. Expedition, The Bulletin of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. 4, n° 2 (Winter 1962), p. 28-39.

Simpson, William Kelly. Yale’s research on the Nile. Yentures, Magazine of the Yale Graduate School (Winter 1962), vol. 1, p. 20-23.

Simpson, William Kelly. Nubia-1962 excavations at Toshka and Arminna. Expedition, The Bulletin of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. 4, n° 4 (Summer 1962), p. 36-46.

Simpson, William Kelly. Toshka-Arminna 1962: The Pennsylvania-Yale Archaeological Expedition to Nubia. Fouilles en Nubie (1961-1963), Service des antiąuites de 1’Egypte, Le Caire, 1967 p. 169-183. 8 pl.

Simpson, William Kelly. The Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt: Preliminary report for 1963: Toshka and Arminna (Nubia). Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, vol. 3, 1964, p. 15-23. 6 pl.

Simpson, William Kelly. The Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt: Preliminary report for 1963: Toshka and Arminna (Nubia). Fouilles en Nubie (1961-1963), Service des antiquites de 1’Egypte, Le Caire, 1967, p. 184-194. 7 pl.

Simpson, William Kelly. The Archaeological Expedition to Egyptian Nubia. Discovery, Magazine of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University , vol. I, n° 1, 1965, p. 4-11.

Simpson, William Kelly. Heka-Nefer and the dynastie materiał from Toshka and Arminna. Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt, n° 1, New Haven and Philadelphia, 1963. 56 p., 26 pl., 42 fig.

Trigger, Bruce G. The late Nubian settlement at Arminna west. Publi-cations of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt, n° 2, New Haven-Philadelphia, 1967. 1 vol., xx + 92 p., 36 pl., 56 fig.

Oates, John F. A Christian inscription in Greek from Armenna in Nubia (Pennsylvania-Yale Excavations). Journal of Egyptian archaeology, t. XLIX, 1963, p. 161-171. 1 pl.

Weeks, Kent R. The classic Christian townsite at Arminna west. Penn-sylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt, n° 3, New Haven and Philadelphia, 1967. 73 p., 13 pl., 52 fig.

Donadoni, Sergio. Campagna di scavi dell’Universita di Roma a Tamit. Oriens Antiąuus, IV, Romę, 1965, p. 127 et suiv.

Baldassarre, Ida; Bosticco, Sergio; Bresciani, Edda; Donadoni, Sergio; Roveri, Anna Maria. Tamit1964. Istituto di Studi del Vicino Oriente della Universita degli Studi di Roma, Romę, 1967. 94 p. 44 fig., 30 pl.


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