Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) is the largest technical university in the Pomeranian Region and one of the oldest technical universities in Poland.The first inauguration of the academic year took place on 4th October 1904. The university was established in Gdańsk, a city with a histoiical tradition of ovet 1000 years and Poland's largest maritime, cultural and scientific centre. The university employs over 2600 Staff, induding nearly 1200 academic teachers (113 titular professors, 165 associate professors and 651 assistan t professors). One measure of the university's achievementsin research and development is the yearly contnbution of over2000 publications, of which nearly 300appear in the world's most renowned scientific journals on the 151 list and morę than 40 are scientific monographs and academic textbooks. The impressive premises of GUT are occupied by 9 facul ties, which offer BachelorS, Master's and Doctoral studiesconducted in fuli time and part time Systems in many areasof science and technology. GUT provides its students with vast access to Information resourceslocaliaed in specialist departmental computing laboratories, aswell as two open laboratories in the Information Technology Centre. GUT is home to the Information Academic Computer Centre in Gdańsk (Cl TASK).
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