NHIB Revenue fiscatYear 2010/1 I - $32 Mill.on

Conmbutioo Collccted SI9 million $)3million from thcTCIG

NHIB Expenditure fiscal year 2010/11-$36 Million

Payments to ICŁ accounted for some $24 million or 63.1% of NHIP expcnditure. Ovcrseas Mcdical Expenses accounted for $9.040 mdllort or 23.3% of NHIP cxpcndnure. .Pharmacy/ Local practitioners S3 million)

Thrs rombmed amount represents 87.4% of the total NHIB expendnure

NHIB Experience a shortfall of $4 million

The financial snuatton is exacerbated by the Increased number ofWards of the State, those individua;s who are onemployed.on long term disability. prisoners or pensloners This is a direct reflection of the depressed economy.

Decreasing population


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