Paweł Mąkosa

problems’31. These can include anxiety, depression, insomnia, dizziness, memory loss, etc. The negative influence of the light emitted by Computer screens on the ability to fali asleep has also been proven. This is due to the decrease in the level of melatonin, which regulates the biological rhythm of human life32. Also spine defects arising from the faulty posturę in front of the Computer and from spending many hours in a sitting position are a serious condition stimulated by digital education. This problem already applies to 90% of young people today33.

Some experts examining the attempts to introduce e-course books to the education system in different countries demonstrate the failure of such kind of programmes. They also indicate that ‘mere transfer from the traditional paper version into the electronic one was the primary cause of failure of all course book digitization programmes. However, digitization of knowledge reąuires a separate original programme, and most of all long-term studies’34.

6. Prospects for e-course books

The issue of the creation and implementation of e-course books to school education is virtually already decided. Obviously, this process will probably take several years and is dependent primarily on the financial capacity of the govemment, entities running schools and parents themselves. It seems, however, necessary to minimise the potential negative effects of the application of this technology and the use of all its assets.

Media education, which will primarily provide the knowledge of all advantages and disadvantages of a freąuent use of computers and the Internet, becomes the basie and urgent task to do. It should refer to the criteria applicable to the use of multimedia materials, in particular to the use of the materials placed in the Internet and effectively shape skills in this area35. This applies both to pupils as well as teachers and parents36. In this context, it would be necessary to amend the Core

31    Page AS, Cooper AR, Griew P. Jago R., Children ’s screen viewing is related to psychological difficulties irrespective of physical actmty. “Pediatrics’' November 126(5) 2010. In: W. Gogołek. Wpływ e-podręczników na rozwój psychosomatyczny uczniów, p. 23.

32    A. Moore. Warningto Teens: Gadgets Can Disturb YourSleep. [online] [dostęp: 21.09.2013], Availableon: <http://www.medicaldaily.com/warning-teens-gadgets-can-disturb-your-sleep-242294>.

33    Ibidem, p. 27.

34    T. Teluk. Pokolenie elektronicznych idiotów. „Uważam Rze” (8 September 2013). [online] [access on: 21.09.2013], Available on: <http://www.uwazamrze.pl/artykul/1045851-Pokolenie-elektroniczny ch-idiotow.html>.

35    Such postulates are madę among others by W. Kołodziejczyk, M. Polak. Jak będzie zmieniać się edukacja? Wyzwania dla polskiej szkoły i ucznia p. 50.

36    This fact is pinpointed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Media and Information Literacy. Curriculum for Teachers. Part 1: Curriculum and Competency Framework. Part 2: Core and Non-Core Modules. Paris 2011.


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