the collcction and utilization of technological cxhibits inhomeland museums (in 1957).
As far as the systematic training of museum staffs is concemed, efforts undertaken so far have been oaly partially successful. Several short courses covering the whole field of museum work wcre organizcd by the two unions and the Ministry of Educa-tion and Culture, and were attended by practically every member of the staffs of the homeland museums. In addition, two special courscs were organizcd on the prepara-tion and conservation of materiał. At present, good results are being obtained from two-day seminars for senior members of museum staffs held once a quarter on two subjects—one rclating to educational policy and the other to museology (e.g., the use of art museum collections in art education).
In 1953, sections were organized in Prague and Bratislava, within the framework of the four-year specialized schools, for training cultural workers for servicc in museums, zoological gardens and observatories, but these sections have sińce been dropped, as it was considered that the workers taking the course nccded a morę thorough and specialized museological training. Hence the problem of providing specialized training for the intermediate technical staff in museums—workers re-sponsiblc for preparing natural science exhibits, curators, storekeepers, directors of the smaller local museums—remains unsolved in Czechoslovakia, as elsewhere, and the only present prospect of solving it is the organization of long-term courses and periods of practical work at higher Icvel museums.
In the case of univcrsity students wishing to enter the museums as scientific research workers or specialists, the only forms of museological training available are the generał and specialized courses on museology givcn at sonie of the university faculties at Prague and Brno (archacology, anthropology, gcology and geography) and at the Pedagogical High School in Bratislava. There is at present no generał programmc providing for periods of practical work in museums from the com-mencemcnt of univcrsity studies, nor are the museological courses given at university level organized in a uniform and co-ordinated manner. This could best be donc by establishing a Chair of Museology at one or morę universities. In addition, newly recruited museum staff should in futurę have periods of practical work at higher level museums and take examinations to show that they havc reached the necessary standard.
One of the factors which has successfully contributed towards promoting museological work during the past few years has been the increascd vo!ume of materiał published. Previously, museological studies, whether generał or specialized, appeared only in the bulletins and miscellanics published by central museums, particularly the National Museum in Prague and the Moravian Museum in Brno. For the past five years, however, these questions have also been dealt with in detail in the publica-tions produced by some of the regional museums.1'3 These publications deal prima-rily with questions relating to exhibitions, the collection of museological materiał and the training of museum staff.
In addition, the Union of Czech Museums, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture, produces specialized museological publications devoted to the organization of exhibitions and generał museum work.4*
In Slovakia museological studies by Dr. J. Kalman9 (manuals for use in pedagogical high schools) were published in 1955.
Published specialized materiał on museology has also included thrce translations from Russian.1(H“
Two studies deal with museum work abroad.13,14
It has long been the aim of Czechoslovak museologists and the two museums associations to found a rcview devoted to museum work in generał and capable of assisting museums of all types. Following several attempts in the Czech territories, the first success went to the Slovak Association: sińce 1954 it has been publishing its new quarterly review.16 As regards Czech territories, a quarterly reviewlft published by the Board for Museology and Local History has been appearing sińce 1957.
This board, which was set up in 1957 under the auspices of the National Museum in Prague, is to be progressively dcveloped as a centre for research and methodology with a view to assisting and directing the homeland museums in generał, organizing short training courses, carrying out museological documentation and issuing its museological review and other publications and materiał designed to promote progress in museum work gcnerally. (Translatedfrom the C^ech.)
1. BuJlctin of tbc O łomotic Regional Museum, published sińce 1952, monthly. [Czech.]
2. Bullełin of the Goitrraldor Regional Museum, published sińce 1956, cvery two months. [Czech.]
3. Museum Bulle i in of the Prague Area, Podebrady Homeland Museum, published sińce 1956, cvery two months. [Czech.]
4. J. F. Svoboda, Principles of C^ech Museology, Union of Czech Museums, Prague, 1949. [Czech.]
5. Jifti Neustupny, Probiems of Modern Museology, Orbis, Prague, 1950. [Czech.]
6. V. Denkstein, F. MatouS, K. Tućek, Museums in the Sernice of the People, Orbis, Prague, 1954. [Czech.]
7. K. Tućek, J. Neustupny, Inrenfory of Museum Collections, Orbis, Prague, 1954. [Czech.]
8. Constitution of Natural Science Collections in Homeland Museums, Orbis, Prague, 1955. [Czech.] This last work was compiled by Dr. Tućek, Dr. I. Klaśtersky and Dr. O. Stepa-nck, with the collaboration of Dr. F. Prantl and Dr. V. Zńzvorka.
9. Dr. J. Kalman, Museology, Slovak Pedagogical Publications, Bratislava, 1955. [Slovak.]
10. A.-J. Miciiajlovska, Organigation and Tecbniąue of Museum Displays, Education Centrę, Bratislava, 1953. [Slovak.]
11. M. P. Simkon, Collection of Museum Materiał relating to tbe Soriet Period, Orbis, Prague, 1955. [Czech.]
12. M. V. Farmakovskij, Consenation and Resforation of Museum Collections, Institute of Education, Prague, 1955. [Czech.]
13. Dr. K. Tućek, Museum Work in tbc Soriet Union, Orbis, Prague, 1956. [Czech.]
14. Vaclav Pubal, Museology in Hungary, Orbis, Prague, 1957. [Czech.]
15. Muzeum, Study and information materiał, sińce 1954, quarterly, Education Centre, Bratislava. [Slovak.]
16. Museograpbical Teclmiąnes, sińce 1957, ąuartcrly, Board for Museology and Local History. [Czech.]