International Organization for Standardization Council for theCo-ordinationof InternationalCongresses of Medical Sciences
Permanent International Committee for Underground Planning International Union* of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Power.
As a rcsult of the Conference all the participating dclegatcs wcrc in favour of establishing a Union of International Engineering Organizations, and tliey decidcd to recommcnd thcir respcctivc organizations to join this Union.
A Provisionat Executive Council was set up.
As members of the Provisional Executive Council the following were clcctcd:
President: Mr. L. Cambournac, Vice-President of the Inter
national Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering;
Vice-Presidents: Mr. Brabant, Chairman of the International Gas-
Mr. A. N. Khosla, Chairman of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainagc Mr. L. S. Straub, Chairman of the International Association for Hydraulic Research;
Members: Mr. D. Boutct, Chairman of the Permanent Inter
national Association of Road Congresses Sir Vinccnt de Fcrranti, Chairman of the World Power Conference
Mr. W.C.van Mierlo, Delegate of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation En-gincering
Mr. J. Millicam, General Secretary of the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
Mr. R. A. Schmidt, Chairman of the International Conference on Large Electric Systems.
The delegation of our organization recommended in a short report to our headąuartcrs in U.S.A. to join the Union.
The Committee of our organization was in agreement with this proposal and they sent a copy of the statutes of the Union to all the national sections, inviting them to give their approval. In a letter of 5 January 1951, the Secretary was able to inform the Provisional Executive Council that our organization would join the Union.
On 16 and 17 June 1952 the sccond Conference of Representatives of International Non-Governmental organizations organized by Unesco was hcld in Paris. This conference was attended by Dr. A. von Moos, Zurich, as representative of our organization.
Activities of the Union (U.A.T.I.)
The ProvisionaI Executive Council in their mecting of 2 March
1951 in Paris stated that all the 12 invited organizations had informed it of their adhesion to the Union so that at that datę the Union was established formally.
At the same meeting in discussing the diversion of the subvention of Unesco to the Union it was decided to grant our organization the sum of $500 for preparing the Third International Conference and to put at our disposal further $500 for expenses of secretarial work.
On 17 and 18 October 1951 a conference of a committee organized by the Union and Unesco took place in Paris with a vicw to discussing problems regarding documentation in the field of engineering and technical dictionaries.
The meeting of the Executive Council took place in Paris on 17 May 1952.
The mccting decidcd to put at the disposal of our Society for:
(а) dictionary activities SI50
(б) for preparing the Third International Conference $350.
Commission Internationale d*Irrigation et de Drainage Association Internationale Permanentc du Congrćs dc la Route Federation Internationale des Geomćtres.
Lcs organisations suivantcs ćtaient rcprćscntćcs par des obscrva-teurs:
Conseil International des Unions Scientifiąues Union Radio-Scientifique
Union Internationale de la Chimie Pure et Appliąuće Burcau International des Poids et Mesures Organisation Internationale pour la Normalisation Conseil pour la Coordination des Congrćs Internationaux des Sciences Mćdicales
Comite International Permanent de 1’Urbanisme Union Internationale des Producteurs et Distributeurs d’Energie Electrique.
Tous les delegues participant k la conference se sont declarćs en faveur dc la creation d’une union des associations techniques inter-nationales et ont pris la dćcision de recommander k leurs organisations respectives de s’affilier it 1’Union.
Un Comitć executif provisoirc a ete constitue.
Ont ete elus membres du Comite executif provisoirc:
President: M. L. Cambournac, Vice-President de 1’Associa-
tion Internationale des Ponts et Charpentes;
Vice-Presidents: M. Brabant, President de 1’Union Internationale
du Gaz
M. A. N. Khosla, President de la Commission Internationale d’Irrigation et de Drainage M. L. S. Straut, President de 1’Association Internationale de Recherches Hydrauliques
Membres: M. D. Boutet, President de I’Association Perma-
nente Internationale des Congrćs de la Route Sir Vincent de Ferranti, President dc la Conference Mondiale de 1’Energie
M. W. C. van Mierlo, Delćgue de la Societe Internationale de Mecanique des Sols et des Travaux de Fondations
M. J. Millican, Secretaire gćnćral de 1'Association Permanente Internationale des Congrćs de Navi-gation
M. R. A. Schmidt, President de la Conference Internationale des Grands Reseaux Electriques.
La dćlćgation dc notre organisation a transmis au Comite de notre Societe aux Etats-Unis un bref rapport dans lequel elle recommande Taffiliation k 1’Union.
Le Comite de notre Societe a approuve cette proposition et a adresse k toutes les sections nationales une copie des statuts accom-pagnec d’une lettre les priant dc leur faire connaitre leur opinion. Par une lettre en datę du 9 janvier 1951 le Secretaire a cu le plaisir dc porter k la connaissancc du President du Comite Executif provi-soire Tadhesion de notre organisation.
La seconde assemblec des representants des Organisations International Non Gouvernementales organistę par 1’Unesco a ete tenue k Paris les 16 et 17 juin 1952. Notre organisation etait repre-sentee k cette assemblee par le Dr A. von Moos, Zurich.
Activites de 1'Union 1951
Le Comite Executif Provisoire reuni le 12 mars 1951 a Paris a declare que les 12 organisations invitees avaient fait connaitre leur intention d’adherer k 1’Union; de la sorte 1’Union etait legalement constituće k partir de cette datę.
Au cours de cette reunion la discussion a portć sur les subventions accordees a 1’Union par 1’Unesco et la dćcision a ete prise d’accordcr 500 dollars a titre de contribution aux frais du Troisićmc Congrćs de notre Societe et 500 dollars k titre de contribution aux dćpcnses du sccretariat.
Une rćunion du Comite, organisee par 1’Union et 1’Uncsco, s’est tenue k Paris les 17 et 18 octobre 1951 aux fins de discuter des ques-tions sc rattachant k la documentation en matićre dc technique et les questions se rattachant aux dictionnaires techniques.