Figures supplementaires:
Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre 1)1: Hypoxia induces the relocalization of untagged furin
HT-1080-hFur celJs were seeded on collagcn typc IV-coated slides and cultured under normoxic or hypoxic atmospherc for 4 h. (A) Micrographs of furin (PA 1-062; green), TGN (TGN46; red) and inerged images are shown. The associated graph shows the percentagc of furin coiocalization with TGN. (B) Micrographs of furin (PAi-062; green), plasma membranes (Dii: red) and merged images (binary mask-overlay) are shown. The associated graph shows furin locali/ation at the basa! plasma membranę. The coiocalization index was calculated as dcscribed under Materials and Methods. (C,D) In vitro celi invasion was asscssed as described under Materials and Methods. HT-1080 cclls stably transfected with eGFP-tagged furin, untagged furin and furin inhibitor al-PDX were allowed to invade collagen gels for 24 h. (C) Relative fluoresccncc intensity of the cells according to the depth of invasion. (D) Maximal depth of invasion. Column, mean; bar, SE, * P < 0.047, •** P = 0.008, *** P = 0.0002, scalę bars = 5 pm, BMP, basal plasma membranę.
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