Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre 1) 2. The relative proportions of the pro- and maturę forms
of furin are not altered by hypoxia.....................................................................................105
Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre I) 3. In vivo localization of furin in tumor xenografts .. 106 Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre 1) 4. CK-II is involved in furin relocalization in hypoxic cells.....................................................................................................................................107
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 1: La neutralisation du pH intracellulaire inhibe la maturation du TGFp
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 2. Conservation des histidines dans le site de clivagc proteolytique
furine-dependant du TGFpi...............................................................................................117
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 3. La maturation du TGFp est dependante de la protonation des
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 4. La basification des compartiments intracellulaires affecte la
maturation du TGFP...........................................................................................................123
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 5. La relocalisation deficientc de la furine a la peripherie cellulaire
inhibe la maturation du TGFP............................................................................................124
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 6. La maturation du TGFp dependante du pH influence la capacite des
ccllules cancereuses a former des invadopodes..................................................................126
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 7: Schematisation de la proble'matiquc de notre modele d etude en
condition hypoxique...........................................................................................................127
Figurę (Chapitre 2) 8: L'hypoxie induit racidification des vesicules intracellulaires........129
Figurę (Chapitre 3) 1: Hypoxia promotes invadopodia formation.....................................149
Figurę (Chapitre 3) 2. Endogenous TGFp is involvcd in hypoxia-induced invadopodia
Figurę (Chapitre 3) 3. The Smad3-dependent signalling pathway is involved in hypoxia-
induced invadopodia formation..........................................................................................153
Figurę (Chapitre 3)4. FIDAC6 is invo!ved in hypoxia-induced invadopodia formation... 157
Figurę (Chapitre 3) 5. FIypoxia induccs HDAC6 deacetylase activity...............................158
Figurę (Chapitre 3) 6. The EGF/EGFR signalling pathway is involved in hypoxia-induced
HDAC6 activation..............................................................................................................160
Figurę (Chapitre 3) 7. EGF enhanccs TGFp signalling and Smad3 nuclear accumulation 161 Figurę (Chapitre 3) 8. Mechanism of invadopodia formation under hypoxia....................162
Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre 3) 1: Hypoxia induces the phosphorylation of Smad3... 168 Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre 3) 2. Hypoxia does not cause p-Smad2 nuclear
Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre 3) 3. Inhibition of HDACs influences invadopodia formation.............................................................................................................................170
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104 Figures supplementaires: Figurę supplementaire (Chapitre 1)1: Hypoxia induces the relocalization59702 Image (51) Figurę 3: Minority ethnic officers as a proportion of all officers as at 31 March 1198 Zbigniew RACZYŃSKI (17,690 kg) and axle load (5,900 kg) are not exceeded by any of the units. Pa1H3 Figurę 3-1. In a CSEM the column and specimen chamber share the same vacuum.Kolumna iEWiP z angielskim, III rok, I stopień,THEAmRBSi Ecercise 1: Write the comparative and superlative foEWiP z angielskim, III rok, I stopień, TtiĘĄDVĘRB$: Ecercise 1: Write the comparative and superlativV ♦15-2 co "log" to the noun/ j ) lodki aura t V Feminine nouns that are not animateUHAM032 WHO HAS HEADACHES AND M I G RAI N ES? ^ 15 profession are not exempt from this. There is a g2009 09 125517 The head assembly just prior to installmg the taił and p long as its running its not16753 str (87) 104 MUSCLE AND RUBBEeI relaxing chains. The relative proporti0n^® Co i the depends ongeologia matpom03 4 As slope angle changos, the relative vaiues of the two components me Earth s graoak sih2 54 Figurę 53. From rhe West Front of the Cathedral at Rheims, c. 1250, Archbishop Turpin gYOUNC HEROINE # ff. & pff) THE PROPORTIONS OF THIS CHARACTER ARE DIFFERENT THAN THOSE OF THE CHIwięcej podobnych podstron