


SOYIZI SUCC2383S NLAR 'ARSA :    OOMfcENT (Monday’ s Russtan coLTOUnique on

fjighting on V7arsaw scctor) Thesc succosses aro not achieved easily. JThe Soviot soldior do os    oparo ..h.i.3. blood or.h.is lifo to hast on to the help of aur cdjyre&JA

®ho Polish scldior is also hastoning to Warsa?'1s help,


Command of tho Polish Arry issucd an Order of tho Day to tho Foli3li'’t'roops ordering t.ho-rn to hasten to tho help of Warsaw. It runs:    "Poli3h Arr.y High Cetnmand: 13th

Adgust, l^Uff Order of tho Day No, 6:    Soldiersi The monvont of the Liberation of

our Capital ha3 como. Warsavr, the symbol of tho Polish natlcn*3 fivo years of ijndauntcd struggle and of its terrible sufferings, the horo city, famcus among the jatiens of tho v/orld, which has n^vor laid down its ams from tho tragio dofencc of Soptomter, 1939, to tho present day, looks to ycu. Warsaw has renaincd at it3 post, defonding the honour of the Polish nation. Warsaw has 3tood its ground. The savago German barb&rian v/ants to destroy our capital before ho goes to his finał doon, In his desperata anitnal fury, ho destroys and bums the city, nurders the pcpulation, massacros woroen and childron, and sparce no ono,

"Soldiers! You havo bcon granted the great hononr of toking part in the    —-

fight for the liberation cf Warsaw and for hastening the end of the martyrdon of our tortured fellow citizcns. The eyes of the nat.ion aro upon you, It i o united as ,never beforc in its history in its great love for its Fathorland and its hatred of /the Hitlerito hangmen, It io a nation which, in its stubborn fight against tho |Gcrnnns, had cvolvcd tho dcmccratic leadership of the National Council of the | Homcland and its Provisional Executive pawer, the Polish Cormitteo of National I Liberation, as tho supremo authoritics lca&ing it to a now and botter futuro;- 11 ł

"The wholo Yforld is waiting for the Liberation of Warsaw, for your victoriec, Harching oido by side with tho best army in the world, tho brotherly Rod Army, you mu st covor with glory the Rod and Wbito flągs of tho robom Poli3h Arny. in this yoar, the yoar of iibdration~óf Polan d and tho finał dofeat of Germany, tho Day of the Polish Soldior, tho Day of tho robom Polish Army s«;.rving the nation and purged of the Fascist spirit, coincidcs with the dccisivo fight for Warsaw. In this > ■ yoar, which marks tho turning point of Polish history, tfee^Day of tho Polish Soldior bocones a gieat act of ctomaL allianco of blood shed in coSon by tho Polish Arniy and the R-ed Army, for the freedom of the Slav nations, and for the finał dcstruction of Prussian tyranny at its vcry sourco, so th&t tho German s shall nevc-r again dostroy our tcwns ar.d \dllagcs and extcrminato our nation,

"In this most solcmn rrnncnt for tho Polish nation, and on this greatest Day of the^Polish Soldior in history, we order:    Officers, NCOs and soldiers of the

First Army fighting on the Warsaw Front, of units composod of paitisan soldiers from the liboratod terri.t0r3.es sent to tho War3a\v Front, of units of the Underground Aymy of the Warsaw area:    strain fili your efforts, ell your knov/lcdgo and ex}?ericnce, for

b. ooncontrated assault on Warsaw; Ycu Trust show tho world ho?/ tho Pele fight3 for his capital! ^Pomard! For WarsawJ For PolandJ This Ordor is to be read out to all unita," (Sgd,) High Ccmmand:    O-dn-C Michał Rola Zjoniorslci, Air.y General;

Deputy C-in-C Zygr.unt Berlin, Lt/Gencral; Deputy C-in-C .for PoliticaL Sducation, A3.oksander Zawadzki,    or/Gońorai; Head of tho General Staff Marian Spychalski,

Dnginoor/Goloncl; Delegata of tho National Council of the Homeland, Jan Czechowski.

A.    WABSAff-amLIu....,PISPDlSIBJLITY^OSl^SOSNŁG^g^CI^GROTTP (German attomr>ts te

ouell Warsaw rising) Warsaw is in a tragic situation, probably the most tragio imaginablo, It is hard to si^eak of thesc things wbiło the capital is flavir.g with blood, smoking with tho fire of its buildings and buried under ruino. But it is neccssary to tell the nation the truth at this vcry nonent. It is necessary to ansvror the cuestion:    "How did it happen tlmt .Warsaw, on tho vory threshold of

liberation, found horself facing tho. on omy* alone, an enemy vi‘ho is turning hor inbo a ceuctery uiid a burning ruin at the vcry timo when hor inhabitants hear tlie guns ef the Red Armj'?" It is also neccssary to answer the cuestion:    "Who bears the

guilt for this?"    ... ,

At tho boginning of August, s/hrm nno.y^ nl:xńggln fltou.*tnd ńn Warsa':;, the Red Arny was at Otwook and Wolo-wi.n.


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