3 o v 1 e t M'o n 1 t o r
No. 4402.
March,19th 1944•
MOSCOJ, March 19th, 1944 /TASS/ - In view of the reque«t of the Union of Pollah Patriota, the Councll of People 'a ęammlaaar* of the__T73SR hafl pramoted Karl Swerczewakl TiorE* rank of Cleuftenant General, and Stanisław Galicki, Iwan Merzlcan and Alexanfre Modzelewski to tha rank of Major General / report* a TASS message/./SOYIET MONITOR/
MOSCOW, March 19th, 1944 /TASS/ - .Th© Pollah population of 3ovno Pejion takea an aetive part in the struggl* agalnat tha ^ennan Faaćlat invaders / saya a TASS war-correapondent/ lnaplred by thelr burnlng hatrod of thelr enslavero, tha Polea Joln tha guerilla detachments ani Jointly wlth the Ukralniana, klll tha Hltlerites.
The Pollah woman Jadwiga Lodzinska, resident of Slavuta, told the TASS war-correapondents My father, mother, three brothera, and two sisters lived in the vlllage of Borshchovka of Rovno Region, iły fanily maintained cloae frieńdahip wlth tha Ukralnian poaaant*. They often came for advice to our old man, who had great esperiencc in agrlculttre, and he willlngly helped the vlllagor*. When flaa Geraians occupied Borahchovka n^r elder brother Jan, a doctor,
Joined the guerillas. Then, my aiater Juaepha followed ault.
The Germans sent a i unitive detachment to Borahchovka to suppresa the guerillaa. The vlllage was reducod to aahea and Its residanta were butchered. My father, mother, two llttle bfcothers and one si3ter were burned allve in thelr own house. Having learned that my family had perlshed, I came to Borshchovka« Not a single house remainod atanding in my native village. Only the chlmneya stuok up ln the place of the houaes. r
I found the place where my parents'.house stood. Hothing but the cooking rangę had escaped destruction. In the heaps of coals ani asnes I found charied bones...
On returnlng to Slavuta, through certaln friends, I got lnto touch wlth the guerillas and Joined a detachment. Acting as
liaison agent I stayed ln SlavAta, carried out mar^r a9slgnments