
Harry Orchard trial lives on


man tum Chństian


•' Tlroes-News writer TWIN FALLS - "U takcs a lot of pa tlen cc to make good dicese."

That was the rcason Idaho-hit -man. bomber and Jailhousc Christian Harty Orchard gove for gJvtng —upthcllfeofadalryman.

It also tak es a lot of patlcncc to

producc a play based on the lifc of_

Harry Orchard, butrfUm~makcr Cheyne Weston and drama pro-

__fesęor_Tony Mannen.of Twin.Falls

—7*howed-they-had-more-palience— than the man who forsook chccsc moklng.

Thclr two-act drama, "Allos Harry Orchard: A Case of Rcoson-ablc Doubt," Is based on truć--events happening In Idaho at the tum of the ccntury. In 1905 smali-tlme gamblcr and convlcted klller — Orchard tmpllcated Big BU!

■ HaywoOd and ołher labor leaders ln the bomblng dcath of Iormcr_— Idalio Gov. Frank Stcunenbcrg. The rcsulting tria! was the sensa-uorrorthedecader Weston declded thcsc cvenls lent themselyes to dnunaUra tićm-and-goLMańnen in(ercśled~InLwriling -an Idaho hlstorical play. Wlth grant moncy from the Assoclatłon for the Humanitlcs ln Idaho, the two rcsearched the story, wrotc a scrłpt and developed a unląuc mcthodofpresentaUon.

-**■—A road company wtllpresent the _ _Dlav throughout the stale thls

Reasonable doubt?

«    • •    «    * * •

Rcportcrs (ploycd by Mlke Mannen Mańnen) ln a scene from "Alias Harry

-----and-Bobby—doncs)-arc—brlcfcd^by-rr—Orchard !^CaseorReii5oriablc'TWaorrr~

Clarencc Darrow (played bv Tony________

— T '    -i ____ - ■ T

Co-author Cheyne Weston will also play a TJflttTbtheflnnrpróductlón.

summer; mcanwhUe Lhe play will be vldeotaped as ncarly as posslblc . aUocations.wbcre. eveola. actually. occurredr-In fali-the vldcotape versionwlllgoonlour. •    bearinghewasbelngsent loldahoz-triol. Tbcy tourcd the old Idaho

Thls is the flrst Idaho hlstorical osked, "Is that ln the West In-to be funded ..by the—dles?" Prominent sodallstEugcnc les'assoclatłon.“    ' " Debbs sct up shop hore durlng the

The dramo opens wtth on    trial. As the oothors sald, "Boise the Idanho Hotel, Boise, whero-

oraloslon, os.Gov. Steuncnberg    was the place to be" at the Urno.    most of the prtnclpal charactcrs

uniatches the gate to hts homc,


play .a. London. Times reporter, by vlslting sccncs of the crlmc and hearingl

by Mannen. a College of Southern Idaho osslslantdrama professor of

i- stale prlson and sat Ina celi, trylng flvcycars._________

C~~ to thlnk of what~Orchard ralghl * ^U\ćy bećamc lntrigued by lhe C have'thoughtr Thcy'ćhcckcd lh'at' . wahge' casc“of'Harry ’Orchard,

AUhoifh Wfslnn feebł tberc K ctny/sHTaiv< maAnciiroU had^Łhack.

Hortdn, allob Harry Orchard. _o. unlonbirmaliw ;lh'dyńamitc skllls. La arrestecTfor IKCcrimc: In prlson he’s converted to ChrisUanity by nonę other than Sleunenbcrg's widów, who forglves hlm the crime





cvldcncc had one major Oaw. The prosecution's.‘case was based on the teslimony. ol Harry Orchard, and lhe word of one man, ln leular an accompllcc, ls not



"•Turmie-itwirscgment^Fhisto ry, we’ve probably bccomc as cxpert os anyooe else around," Weston sald.

Tbey gathered enough materia! for a 10-part TV serics, but eon-

___ .

who Weston caiied one of the most wanted men known in the U.S.

—3he—palr—eppłfed—to—the-llumanłtles—:.A«oclallon_and_LI YC

The road show will incorpóratc back screen projections-of sucii sccncs os Slcuncnbcrg'soponlngof-thnt fatefui gate. The vldeo taplng crew wUI ollmpt'lo'^lsl^adua^ sccne8of the drama and will ulillzc hlstorical photos In the finał fooUgo,-

evcn{ually recctvcd |7,Oó(rforThc—en rescarchlng and wrlting of lhe Caldwell thls summer. play.- By' January they had a l*1 foli, the vldeotape worklng scrlpt and a 3S-pagc pro- shown ln TVln Falls, HnUcy, Boise


ducUon proposai:

But lt_wasn’.t_untU lasL month

on by James McParland, a notoriously effectlvc Pinkcrton agent, Orchard tums sUtc’s cvl-' dencef dalmlng Haywood and of-flclals in the Western Federation of Mlners (WFM) consplred to kill Stetmcnbcrg. In return. Orchard gets a Ufo scntence Instead oLthc.


WFM offldals apparenUy had a -long-standłng- gnidge—agalnst-Steunenbcrg for his Incarceratlon of unlon men in cruel "buli pens" durlng s trik es. And the unlon often resorted—to- vlolence lo-setUe-grud ges.

HayWood's. Boise trial pltled

;—legally enough to convict“beyond

a reasonable doubt."

Much of the play's dlologue ls drawn from court testimony or newspaper accounts.- Other llkcly sccncs were dreamed up by Weston and Mannen wbo read 11 books on the subject, poured ovcr

through newspaper microfUm. - .

dlpplngs or

densed irinto abouran-.houris-^at Uicy. rccdvcd-a >13,000 pro-playlng tlme. DarroWs thrcc-day    ductlon grant from the assoclatłon.

sumraary became o three-page speech. -

To fili lhe audlence ln on back-ground, newspaper rcportcrs from the Boise Capital Journal, the New York Times and the London Times

matched wlth >20,000 "in klnd" donatlons from CSI and other Indl-vlduals. II was a long and tcdlous process to win the grant, but “if you want somcthlng bad enough,' łfs a flght," Weston sald.

Moantaln" Home, Rmcburg “and other cJUes. Finał dalcs for shows


An odd affectlon for Harry Orchard has cmcrged ln the authors. Weston rdates wlth gusto how lhe Canadlan dalryman des-crted his wlfe, ran off to the U.S. and gamblcd his moncy away. Ęycntually his odd nfflnlty—for.

among themseWcs, llkc a Greek chorus.


—"Wc iry to stldUo.thcJctter of__Weston. and Mannen formod

hlstory,"- Weston sald, adding a bit _ thclr play-writlng nil lance łosi

ruefully, "It's awfully hord to

make hlstory cacitlng."___

** The authors ccncoclcd a fcw sccncs, tndudlng a back alley en-counler bctwccn Darrow and

August atler o softball gamę.

. Weston .was cxclted.ovcr.a hlstory on Rocky Mountaln revolu--U ona rl cs and found Mannen's ln--terest as kecn as his. ,

Thcy aró now Ln the process of 3ynamlie became a corter.-sdectlng actors, rehcarslng and Weston also llkes to point out preparing to vldeotapc the pro- Orchard became a model prisoner

ducUon. Mannen will dlrecl. the and ran several profllablc en-_

lłve actlón and Wealon, the camera . .terprises in his 44. ycarś ln the nctlon. BoUi wUl act In' the play. slammcr.Hedlcdlnl954atagc89.

Nono of lhe actors are belng pald,----Yet-"his convcrslon (at the

nor are Weston or Mannen rccelv- bchest of Mrs. Steunenbcrg) ts so Ing anyproflts from the play.    rapld. you thlnk lt*s a ploy,’

'Wdró-mot-iooklng-fm-yrrmrTTi WĆSIC?n>aIII.irulJithe> proof. Is-ln ^latróce BamwJor.tbe.ikIdHa--~McEarland. Jawritojhto^oguct===rWerioa^4wdoeumemary-TlTm^małdn'gany moncy," Mańnen sald, the long-tcrm puddlng," Mannen - —~ngalrntrthente :Smv-Wllllam-r^Wcr łlgtr^d -■somc^Bgars,—nwker^th two-yearo-at KMVTr-=us=W«ton=addCd?=^W'eT,erdOlng-

-Borah fortheprosecuUon.    turncd the llghts out and llved It," had preylously written "The Rock -------------**--*-**-'- "

In 1907, the vrarld'B attestion was",“ Weston sald..    Scratchćrs," a telcvlslon fUm.

focused on.’]4aho, ąlthWfih ln the The palr aLsq plcked up lnslght' • rfe'd also acted ln ą play directed 4 TUnoo-New#rT\*In Falln.-ldabo - Frlday, June 13"-1M0- -- •- • •    .......

thls bccausc we waot to do thls.1'

"The old art for art*s sake," Mannenputln. • •


"Harry Orchard outl!vcd evcryonc connccted wlth lhe trial," Weston obscrved. * “

"• l .. t . Mis-

V •tWś    •    »


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