as ‘freeway-----
• • •
LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Police Tbursday qu«tłOAecS a 32-year-old mon trrcstcd on oez and murder chargcs as a poeible suspcct In the "freeway strtagjer” siayinga of young men throughout Southern Callfomia. —?■
A spokemsn sald William C.
Bonin, who Uve ln suburbon Downey, was tak cc lnto custody ln a Hollywood area parkinglot lale Wednesday nlght by a speclal team of off.cers who hnd becn walchbg his raovcments and _ cauffrt hlmcommUtlng 6odomyoD on—
unlfciUficdyoihHlnhis van.
After a tbori lcvestlgatloo they ordered hlm held on susplclon of the murder,of 16-year-old Charles Miranda, who was found strtngled Feb. 3 ln an alley beblnd a warehouse
_nctcdoOTt®wLięilaJhf^ __
to eltbcr fUe charges or release hlm.
_.M06t nf. thcJJreeway. strantfcr. -v1ctlms vrero ln tbcłr tccns and 20s,
_tali and sllm. wtiKa and dark halred.
and drcnbcd jM_,rj^od“16bWng?'
Frlday, Juno 13,1980 Tlmoa-Nowa, Ti*n Falla. Idaho A-9
Jordan flown to New York—- -
Many. of the bodłeś were nudć and muUJatcd and most hod been duroped _ near frceways. I
=Author1Ucj aJsowld scarch won*— rańts were bebgsoughtinan cffort to , dlscovcr evldcnce that mlght link Bonin w1lh the strtng of murcers that have dolmcd the łlvcs of-40 or morę— young men In Ovc Southern Callfomia countlcs durtng the past 8 ycars.
•The only thtng we’rc aaylng oow ls that. Bonin ls chargcd wuh one murder ln tbe cUy of Los Angeles,M-połlcc Cmdr. William Boolh sald.
. Boolh refused lo say łf other de-paitmenU lnvolved In frccway —atranglcr_lnvcstlgallOQS _wouId..bc. aliowed (o <msCJoo Bonin or If (hc auspect hod been glven a polygraph exom. •
% By United Press International *
Jack Watscn f Inally has the Job he wanlcd all along.
In 1976 Wotson las: a power strug# c wlth Hamilton Jordan over who would bccomc Presldent Cartcrs top man at the Whltc House. Bul four ycars laler. hc has replaccd Jordan os Whltc House chief of itaff. He was named to the post Wednesday.
Durtng the 1976 canpaJp Watson was glven the lob of dctermlnir.g how Carter would csUbllsh his admlnlUratlon. Some pcoptc thought thb would glve hlm an edge over Jordan, who was'runr.lng the compalgn. UdkfeTt.
- - So WaUon, 41. bccamc one of the originął assistants to the presldent. wlth responsibUlties as sccretary to the Cablnct and the Whltc House llalson to States, citles and countlcs.
Watson.ls o parachutist, a pcntathlon champion, and the husbond of a ballcrtna.
He someilmcs can bc scen wlth sweat streamlng from his dark. curiy halr hurrylng hack lo his Office aflcr o tennis match.
Hc probably ls the most prcctec speaker ln a Whlte House fuli of not so prccise Gcorglons.
He scarchcs for ceactly the rtght word. Often hc mUcs manageiia! and psycholosflcal Jargon, prób Ing feclihgśi and mbods." u&g wordsllkc Mcorrpn,Jb!c,■ and "coUaboratlvcly."
He dreues fostidlously. And hc ls unfolUnaly pollte, sccmlnglylrKspablc oflhc ribald cracks andsarcasm of the other Gcorglons. ~ '
Watson, a Tcacan cducatcd at Harvard. was a Junior member of King & Spauldlng, the Atlanta law firm In wtilch the pnatder.fs intlmateTrtcndrCharlcs Kirhor ls a senior partner.
Early ln the admlni&tratlon. WaUon was tal king about the strength of the Cablnct. His words were typlcalofhlm.
. “So far there has been nothlng but good slgns about the compatłbUlty of theCablnet os a team. not orJy to work wlth cach other but olso to work wlth l>ie presldent,” Watson saUTCo a reporter.
JThls Js not a homogenous group by ony mcans. One of the characferttifcs they shareis Uianiie/irc a' group of IndWldually sccure pcople. They aro quielly
compctent, they can work collaboratUcly wlth other
flrst Carter met wcckly or NwcckJy wlth the Cablnct and thls consumod most of Watson*s tlmc. But as the Cablnct system of govcming has slld a bit,. Watson has bccomc moro lnvolvcd in other Jobs.
Watson’s staff handlcd the admłnisiralion,s rts sponsc lo the rcccnt Mount St. Helens votcano cruptlon, the rtots ln Miami, the lnflux of Cuban and Holi rori"rcfligecsr and the tornado -at • Grand-fafand.-Neb. ----
NEW YORK (UPI) — CJvU rlghU leader Ycmon Jordan, vowing “we shall ovcrcomc,“ new home Thurs-day.aboord a.U.S. Air Forte jet and was bospJUllzed amid tlght security to complcte his recovcry from wounds lnfllctcd by a snipcr's bullet Iwo wecksago.
Jordan, presldent of the National Urban Lcague, was admlttcd to on undlscloscd prwote room ln New
York Hospltal followlng the Air Forte 09 medlcal cvacuation piane *a arrtv-al from Fort Wayne. Ind.
Twcnty FBI agcnU and city pollcc surroundcd the piane os Jordan, conncctcd to brtathlog and ln-trnvcnous apporatus. was carrlcd on a slrctcher to an ambulancc.
A Notłonal Urban Lcague spokesman sald Jordan*! condltlon was stUI “serłous but sUblc.”
for the Pop in Your Life!
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T:exas hit by bribe probe
HOUSTON (UPI) — A fcdcraJ Donald Flay of fraud, consplracy, uryJhumdeyJndlcictLTeacas—recketcyring. and-eitcrtiac-ia—ir
UouscSpeaker Bill Oaytoa and lhrcc - schemc “to defraud the State of Toco* other mcn.on charges thoy armoged -andlUcHUens.” or acceptcd brtbes to influence stale
purchasc of a multlmUlIon-dollar State employces Insurance contract.
The slx<oust indJcUnent. the flrst ln the gOYtmmenfs MBrHab“ In-vestlgalion on brtbery ln labor unlons, actused the threc-term speaker. Dccr Park unloo ofOclal. L.G. Moore. and Austm lawyers Randoll y»ood and
Clayton aide Rusty Kellcy was named an unlndlctcd co<onsplrator in the schcmc ln wblch Clayton allcgetily look 15,000 and was pro-miscd SCOO.OOO morc by Joseph Hauser, an FBI undcrcovcr agent poslng as a Prudential Insurance Co.. represcntallvc secktng the dea).
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