Jacob Russoff. later changed to
Los Angeles. Calrfomia
HEICHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT 200 Ibs
EYES Blue; (as Werewolf) Red HAIR Red. (as Werewolf) Brown
Marvel Spottight #2 (Fobruary 1972)
Supertiuinan strcngth. agńty. rottewos. stamina andsenses
Jack Russell’* anccstor, Grigori Russoff. had the misfortune to bc bittcn by a fernalc werewolf in 1795 in his home country of Transylv.mii.The curse eventually afflictcd Jack. When hc turned 18,Jack was transfornied into a mindless, savage werewolf during the thrcc nights of the fuli nioon.
The mystical, cxtradimensional bcings known as "TheThree Who Are All”gavc Jack the power to change into a werewolf at will, while retaining his hunian mind. I Ie used this ability as a criinefighter. Howcvcr. on the nights of the fuli nioon, he still changes into a werewolf involuntarily and his mind becomes chat of the beast. On those nights. he protects others by locking himsclf away in an escape-proof room.
In his career ;ls a criinefighter. Werewolf has crosscd pachs with SPIDKR-WOMAN, MOON Knic;iii.Ticra and others. Oncc, while on the rampage as a werewolf,
Jack Russell was subdued by the West Coast Avł NC.t;RS. MT
Werewolf )s sonsos of sight. Iiearng orxJ smeli are as sharp as a wołfs. He can leap 18 ft into the air. nrt at speeds up to 35 mph. and is tmmune to norrnal njury.
FIRST APPEARANCE Power Pack *1 (August 1984)
REAL NAME Aetfyre Wbitemane
OCCUPATION Scientist BASE His sentient starship. Friday HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 320 Ibs EYES Płlk HAIR Wbito SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Lito all Kymelliara. Whitomane was born with the potentiai to project energy. teleport. and fly. These powers roąutrod much practiso and trainiog to master.
Aellyre Whitemane. nicknamed "Whitey” was a scientist of the Kymellian race. Me discovercd that Dr. James Power was working on a matter/ antimatter converter. Whitey knew the dangers of this dcvice. which had destroyed his homeworld. His niessage back hotne was intercepted by the 7/nrx (*«• Snarks), who wanted to use I )r. Powers insention as a weapon.They shot down Whitey s starship. Near death. the Kymellian transferred his powers to Dr. Powers children. who bccame the Powlr Pack. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny X-Men *249 (Octobor 1989)
OCCUPATION Unknown BASE The Savage Land HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 144 Ibs EYES White HAIR Unknown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Creates flash ot brilhant light which has the potentiai to bfcnd anyone she chooses.
FIRST APPEARANCE Tates to Astonish *50 (December 1963)
REAL NAME Dav*d Can non
OCCUPATION Criminal BASE New York State
HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Able to rovo(vo at amazingty high
speeo. rondoring himsaM untouchabie; throws wrist błades while
spinning, to deadły effect: never becomes dizzy.
David Cannons career has had ahnost as many twists and turns as his alter ego: during his life he has been a petty criminal, a circus performer, an ice-skater. a wrestler, and a Master oi Lvil. Before hc wasWhirlwind he called himself the l tuman Top. His criminal carccr has been marked by cncounters with Dr. Henr)' Pym and the Wasi*, with whom he dcveloped something of a love-hatc relationship. AD
FIRST APPEARANCE Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 *196 (September 1979) REAL NAME Debra Whitman OCCUPATION Form«r secretary at Empre State Umversity BASE TheMidwost
HEIGHT 5 ft 6 in WEIGHT *20 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Blond© SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Nonę: only the strength of a woman of her ago and weight who ind ulg es m moderate exerctse.
Debra Whitman met Peter Parker while both were students at Empire State U»ivcrsity. Whitman worked as a teacliing assistant and a$ the secretary to the dean. Morris Sloan.
Debra and Peter began tlating, but the romance fell foul of Debra s growing obsession that her boyfriend might be the notorious Simdlr-Man.
Hoping to calm her down. Peter revealcd the truth of his dual identity, but she refused to bclieve him. Debra eventually moved to the Midwest with her triend Biff Rifkin. DW
A nadvc of the $avage Land. situated somewhcrc in Antarctica, little is known about the creaturc known as Whiteout. She was briefly a member of Zai.adanes Savagc Land mutants, and it is thouglit that her first and only mission with this group involved an attack on the X-Mfn in C'hile. where that mutant team was scarching for their lost tcam-matc. Polaris.
Subscąuently, Whiteout was a member of Super ia s Femizons and their effort to put women in charge of the world. I ler appcaranccs sińce have been both sporadic and fleeting.