It» t*łp*USu*l>

i» AfMtgłfe»l*» Onrr BCTWmttPt Njau*

i .r/m ItrUuJ

8.7 Findings for Nursing Intcrventions

Noraing irtfctwńltatt wettdai»ike.l ** phy*ul pjrdttlopal and mmiai lh* *«1fon diwuiwa IhłfWuJmp, o\xr theihrw: muitdi fi |hc lW|»hi%mtf, on tlw UUeorłnUna* lat Hm atmlnnal pafHctpunt {mwp.łoi thr tthOłŁłl beiilth jiurttHmty-Jiti) Jot thc generał nurwo m;ly vr< Apperuh1. \.    <►< (jiuimMtfcrr fir**—

faMe* I0<o i*, torau uj ikfłliovrfvlcwuHhc findiitg*.

8.7.1 Combmcd Findings lor Phystcal Nttrwig lmcromłom

y tfjtal ni 14 phy«**l niirijnfi ttttervfflltoit flctm >\rr< protturd u» Ilu; rc^nuid. fit owr thc dirrr rmmiU > <dthc UIkmttaflihryed consttwu writhir* thrcomłmtej gwirroJ*ttdmimUJ lirjłllt tr>|MXulri)U wuh*#ri| irccranilc of ó widoU>w4ęłiicvrd m Roinul 5 lhr« łtcrm .mhulcd

l) AdraiamraUaa medicwion. fluid* amIAw hload pmduU* (eg IV Orał. IM SC - NG. m Z)    otvMT\-j,:fr.3nil crohialiog potUmt/vliirnl » |>hv.icul iimdiltun <c g v|ul *pedmc«

<olkttttHi; judgememał physicai owj

łł Hyprtu? (eg Uuasing.    Mimg, mnnth aat, <yt v*re)

4) hncoarągcnu-nł *#<1 gykiancr włth phy.śjcal carc and phymral tnde|Mtul<7nvx

Hw lowcsł ra»«l płmioil infcrontKm Wtt* thr in&rition. monitoring and »Jif of mnll^l ne/ictt wwi tej, caihoiet, cmnaU. imu«u:i pwmps),

8.7.2 Menu! Health Nursing findings for PhysicaJ Ntiming Infenrcnlion*

CKcrałl. only rfd* phyxU*t mitxitg intmtttlum 4chłevcd thc <rnwrmuv h*veł ĄdinmWMUOn nl tti*xfic«oo" lliiiłU aiut/or blond productt. In Kouud t t>f thc »urvey, winie |nai ol thękc mtcfventM»m wert -nuwicHd

tiwdcrątfiy w mwc impwtant by lla mciii a! Health itutw itispumlcm*. otily duce int«vcMm)» w«r


to weurttietttimetń werk. In Houml 2 łtttl»r oiuly, only onr phy»ical >flleiv*ntŁu« iwn *    _

percMilUeńt4 .*r ,\bovc Adminiflralmn o| mcdWaium. (laid» *ndf<» Woftd piwliwtó 1 H f the rcmainiug t)urtft:ii ftcnw wre found lo hr Midiocntly rtlcranf to thr metunl hwltl>    ^

Howeset. wRwtlUl >ofthrStudy, thf nulńhctof th« physicsi tumw tliai .uhiescd a 25th pcunit* <    ^

ur abo»r. iiwrcawil to f»ve. Ihc* nrms tndudcd Adminbiratujn pi nwdłcatiou. Huid« aml <" h ’    ^

Młimtc.rii^1oWr\nig:jrKlcvaiu!łiingphy^ca:UoiutUUin. Iły^knc,«md Ewłtuw^nttffll***&    ^

pbywcal care. Respocułmgumeryrncy ^ituaiions mul IMwMcal imlrpcndfncc.

8.7.3 (icneral Nursing Findings fot Phy^ical Nursing Itrtmcittions

!n * ,łlf nwntal hcalth mut** ll f

generał nuftes. Iln> liighr.u »» u.    0r1tcn ,'*’vs,ł al mtn vcmnm items achieyol crmjfiiiitói

U    ! 2 •“ poantih    ••    Round ł • i • ii 'i

11 Ailmini^rattim ot niedicaikm. thiuls <>mi/or felpoil pro<luas(eg IV, Grał. I^ ^^UcctKjti,

2) Slrantiuin#. Obsrrńog,and rraluatmg plwucal cunditian (c g vital «g«>- ■Pcc,nUn c° o| phvskoljUUr)

31 Controlling p»n    iftwtótf

11 Insntion, nnumotlug -ind <m< ot mt-dięal ikvic«fc and c^uipmenJ (c.g. cAthetet.<:,innu

Hygicru:ic^.<haivgmg, wa>hing.bathing.trumth<ate.cyc c.ue)

(»:    pjHr<rtiraaco\wn and pi ul mcc vAlh phyrical care atut physu:Al mdcpcndeucr

*h**C'1 * 2W‘ PWcauile ol 6. Ihc^ HndmK, .• .nwrtrrtt throOgh<^‘^ lty

rn>c ,tcr ^    - ^tb

^.hethreemunds hl ****** l.t^^ łlcrai, wereadded:


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