Finally. compound 1 was found 10 bc modcralcly cytotoxic against bollt tuinor ccii lincs and hcalihy cclls wilh IC* of 25 ± 4 |.im Tor A549. 20 ± 1 p\i for DLD-I and 34 ± 3|im for WSI. Rcccnlly, Vfilimaa rcporicd ilic cyloioxidly of compounds 1 and 2 againsl murinc Hepa-1 cclls willi 1C*, of morę than 100 hm. To our knowlcdge. significnni cyioioxiciiv againsl human lumoi ccii lincs of compound 1 has never been rcporicd prcviously. The acliviiy of compound 1 was lowcr in coniparison wilh eloposidc bul similar lo rcsverairol. a sliibcnc known lo inhibil lung and colorcclal canccr in vitro (Aggarwal era/., 2004). This rcsull suggesis ihat compound 1 is rcsponsiblc. in pan. for ihc cyioioxicity of fraclion 3. Howcvcr, in conlrasl lo fraclion 3. compound 1 was nol found to bc selective loward boih luntor ccii lincs.
This work rcporls Ihc cylotoxicily of the mclhanol cxlraci front ihc wood of J\ resinosa and ihe isolalion and characicrizalion of fivc known compounds. Ali ihc compounds were alrcady identified in this spccics cxcepl for compound 4. Compound 1 was found lo bc modcralcly aclivc againsl all ccii lincs icslcd. A549, DLD-1 and WSI.
The niitlioni are grnluful lo P. Nadoau for plnnt Ulouil>c;ihon We thnnk Dr N. Voycr front Lnval Univcrsiiy for optical rotatlon meos-urcntciiK We thank B. Keller for HR-ESI-MS muasurcmcnl*. FS ihanks ihc Natural Sciences and Gngtnccring Research Coundl of Cannda for n schotarship. This »wk was supponed by Aciion Cunccrtćc FQRNT - Foods de la rcchcrchc forestiere du Sogucnay - Utc-Snim-Jcnn.
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