



OttAt tmrj



Llght blue-littla llnac


V*. rai Ilon Yarmlllea



violet blueloh-llne, Orange-plnnncles Yiolet bluelsn/-llne , Orange-plnnacles

Yiolet bluelsh-llne, Yermllion-plnnacles






Yiolet bluelsh-llne, Yermlllon - combe

Yiolet bluelsh-llnes, Llght blue-background



Violct bluelsh-llne, Orange-combe

Yiolet bluelsh-llnes, Green-baokground


Brown-lnner part, Yiolet-comfce

Emerald green-baokground Llght blue-background Brown-dota    Brown—dots

Sap green-background Brown-dots

Maj green-background Brown-dota

Sap green-background Brown-dots

Maj green-background brown-dota

Emerald green-baokgroum brown-dots

Llght blue-baokground Brown-dots

Emerald green-baokground Brown-lin•o and dots

Sap green-background Brown-linęs and dots

Maj greeo-baokground Brown-lines and dots

Llght blue-baokground Brown-llnes and dots

Sap green- background Brown-little llnes

Sap green-background Brown-little lines and dots

Maj green-baokground Brown-little llnes

Maj green-baokground Brown-little llnes and dots

Mc.; gr:ea-bankgxound Brown-dota

Emerald green-baokground Brown-little llnes

Emerald green-background Brown-little llnes and dots

Eawrald groen—

bookground Brom-dots

Llght blue-background Brown-little llnes

Llght blue-background Brown-little llnes and dots

Llght blue-bac-ground Brown-dots

Llght blue-baokground Brown-dots

Maj groeo-baokground Biowc-dots

Maj green-baokground Brown-little dots andj llnes

Emerald green-baokground Brown-dots

Emerald green baokground Llght blue-baokground Brown-little dots and i Brown-little dots and llnec    llnes

Brown-outer linj and dots, Koj green-lnner part

Brown-outer lino and dots, Eaerald green -Inner part

Brown-outer llne and dots, Llght blue-Inner part

Brown-llnes and dots, lnnar part


Brown-llnes, gresn-lnner part

Brown-llnes and aots, Brown-llnes and dots, Eaerald green-lnner part Llght blue-lnner part

Brown-llnes, I    Brown-llnes,    i

Emerald green-lnner part Llght blue-lnner part


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