
iera \,. Churchill

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rew’s House, 32 to 34 Holborn Viadue», E.C.1. '

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Yorkshire Post

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Daily Mirror

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Cutting from issue dated.................



Premier Promises Enemy a tBllS Eliropfi'. Succession of Surprises YOUF liberation

»    mrłłT\A«*»^ •

MR. CHURCHILL, flrst statement

ln his ln the Commons

House ol yesterday. sald:—

I h*ve 10 announcc to the Hoiuso that Uuring thc nlgh; and the early hours of this moming thc flrst of a serie* of landing* tn foro: upon tli* Knropeun conttnent Has taken place. • Che ora.) In this coae th? Ubcmtlng &*S*ult fel! upon tho cosst o i France.

An Immenaj nrmuda of upwartU of 4,000 tflfelp*, togethcr wlth M?Vcrnl thnuwantf smnller craft, cro*we<1 Che Channel.    alr hor n* Inndin**

have b«*en suocewifully beliitiri Cłu* enemy** lino*. (Ctieera.)

Landlngs on thc be&ches are proceed-Ing at larłous poin:s at the prefent Mmc. Tho firo of the uhore batteriw hna been largely ąucHed. The ototacle* whlch were constructed ln th* *** have not urovcd so difflcult no waa apprchcnded.

The Anffto-Amerlcan Allles ar* suttalned by fthout 11.000 flrst-llne alrcrafr, whlch ran be drawn upon a* may be needcd for tli* purpos*# of the battlc.

and tth Armie* rc8pcctlvcly. This ls a memcraolc and glorlous event whlch rewards the inteii.se flghttng of the \Mt five months in Italy.

The orlginal land mg i:uule on January 22 at Anzlo ho* ln the cml borne good rrult.

On May 11 General Alexaador bega.n hi* prc6©iit oper a tlona,    cu*l aftew

unceaslr.g and interno fighting by w I whole of tho Army broko iMo the

enemy imea and entered the Uri VaHoy.

It is noteworthy that, countmg Iiom rlght to left, Potish. £rltl&n Empire, French and United States torcea nil brokc the German lino* in| front of them by lrontnl attacka.

At what waa Judped to be thc rlght moment the brldgehead Soroce, whlch hod by lilia tlme reachcd a tot*l of ncarly 150.000 men. fcll on thc retreat-

ing er.omy'a llank and threatened his retreac.

The Junctlwi of tho mam Anny wit-h the bridgchea^l force$ diovc t^ho enemy off hi$ nrincipftl lines of retreat to the north, zorełng a great part ot ht» army to retirc ln conaidcraole dhsorder and wlth b©*vy lotne*.

is Corning

/^ENKRAL EISENHOWER. In "* a D-day broodcast to the jjcoplfi or western Europę, said: Althoush tlie inttial assault jnay not. liave been matle ln your owa country thc hour of your

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iu.sl.ruci tons you have recetved.

To patriota włio aro not snem-i>ers of organiści rcslstance trroups I say. " Contimie your , i>ass)vc rcslstance, but do not uccdleasly endanger your lłpes.


What a Plan!

I cannot. of couwr, commłł mywali tc ony pnrtlcular dotails as reports are comfng ln in rapid ftucccsslon. So far thc conunanders who are engaged rejx)rt that eyerythlne la procccdmg accordlng to plan—and what a plan!

ThSs vust op^ratlon is undoubtedly the most complicated and difflcult that hau crer occuirod. It involvca tlde#. wind. waves and vUtbl!ity both from thc alr and sea atandpolnts, and the combined employment of land.

alr ar:d ae» forc^a \xx thc hłghcat dcgrcc of Inttmacy and ln contact wtth eon-ditions whlch oould not and cannot be fuliy known.

There are already hopcs that actual tttctlcui /iurprieo nas been attained. and wc hope to fumiah the enemy wlth a succession of surprises durlng the course of thc flghting.

Complete Unity

The battle whlch ha* now begun will grow constantly ln scate and lutenslty for many weeks to comc, and I slinll not attempt to apcculatc on Its courae; but thle I may say, that complete unity prcvall$.

Tnroughout the Aiiied armlcs there ls a brotherhood ln a?tt& betwcen us and our frlcndr. of thc United 8tate». There !s complete oonfldcnc^ ln tho Supreme Commander, General Eisenhower, and in his lieutenanta. and aleo ln the Commnnder of the Expedlfionar>' Force. Oeneral Montgomery.

The anlour and spirlt of thc tro<»ps. as I *aw for mysetf uhen they were embarklng ln tliesc last. fen days. was splendld to wltness.

Nothing that eąulpment. mrience or lorethought can do tu* heca neglectcd. and the whole proccas of openlng this great naw front will be pursued wlth the utmost resolutlon. both by the commandcrs and by the United Sutce anC Brltlah Oo*.ernment» whom thty wrvt.

(ireat Yłctory ln Italy

Th? House should, I think, take fonnal cognisancc c?f :he liberation .of Romo by the Albed armica under tho command of General Alcxander— fchcerst—v/lth General Clark, of the United States Serv:ces, and General OUver Lewe in command of tho 5th

Liberation of Romę

American and other forccs of the 3th Army brokc througli the enemy’* last. unos and entered Home. wh*re the Allled rroops have bcen recelvcd wttli }oy by the popu la Mon.

Howcver, General AlexaAder*s prime objec; has ncvcr been t^40 ,liberation. of Homo, great fi* aro tl*.o morał, polltlcal and psrchologicnl adeantagcj: bf that epteode. Tl>c deetruetton of tho enemy*s armie* ha* been througli-out the aim, and they are now Detag engsgid at thc wmo tlme oiong tho whole lengih of thc Ilnc as they Attempt to-eccape to tho north.

It 1^ <*ur duty to pay the waruiest trlbutc of ęratitede and admlratlon Co General Ale.\andcr — (loud olieerg)—for the skill wlth whlch hc has handled this army ot so many dlffercnt Ktatr« and natlons, and for thc (€S|Odty and fortltude wlth whlch hc lias siiHtaincd thc long perlmife uhen HtuweM was dcnlcd. In General riark the United States Army luis found a leader, a righting leader of the lilgliest order. (Chcers.)

The ąualltles of a)l Che Albed tcoops liavc shown themsely** in a noble and unjealous rivolry. The great strcogUi ol thc alr foroe* at our di$posai. ta WftU as the prepondersnce ln armour, hr.ve undoubtedly eon-trlbuted m a noteworthy and dls-tu\ctive numftr to the succesacs whlch havo been acbieved.

Wc muat ftwalt further develop-ment* ln che Italian thentre belorc it ts posslblc to estimatc thc magnitude or ąufllłty of golnę, great and tlmely

though they certalnly are. (Loud checrs.)

Unstinted Aid

When Mr. Churchill sat. down Mr, Greenwood (Lab., WakefieWi sald:— -Tho House. by iti Applausc. h** ehown Ita graittude to all tho*e who have bied wid fought m the battles ln Italy. and we *11 fcei. now that they are on the march, that. it will not bo long bofore thc German inYftdcr ls tumed ou: of that pcntnauliu •• I thlnk the Prlrr o MlnUtąr’* state-ment nrnfcs second to the detloratlon of war on Septetnber 3, 1939. There la aothmg that wę eon do excep:, per-hops, to pledge our phyaloai and spmt^Al resources to the unstlftitod atd of the mer. ?.nd women who are ecr^ing oversaa*." . B

11 OLliAND’8 Premier. Pro-fessor P. S. Gerbran*y, bix)actcast these orders to his countrymen outóldo tho organ-ised resistance croups:

You will not perpetrate any acts of violent open reslstance. it would only offer tho cruol encmv an opportimlty to take far bloodłer reprisals than ever.

This, howcver, must be done: Włuttever lnyisłblc and unrecoę- ( nisablc na86ive resisfancc ls .    it must be inexorably



KINO HAAKON oi Norway told his pęople:

| Prom now on it will be of evcn Kreater importance tłian horc-' ->tore to hfnder and Impede the emy by all subtlo and covert P^eans that do not cxpose your-1 scll or otbers.


['O the Foles, NL Stanisław -J- hfikolajcayk, Prlme Minister of Poland. said:

We nre entorina: into the finał stage of settlłng the accounts witli Germany.

ln thiH loiiK-aw;vit«d and desired moment oar hearts beat ąnirker,


\ LLIED Expeditior.ary I *■cc ^» H.Q. sent out an " ursent waroing ’ teliing inhabitants of enemy-occupieti countrłes livlng łicłir the coast to be rcady to flee from towns ^ie

0    pen country at a glven signat.

Tłve signal would be glven in leaflets dropped by Allicd piance.

People llving withln twenty-two miles of any part of the coast WOUld be airected. Thosc wlio couUl should lcave this

■ coastal beit immediately.


1    OF.LOIANS W erę warncd by ■-* tlieir Primo Minister, M. Hubert Pierlot:

Moderate vour Impaticnce; 1o ‘not Id yourse)vos be loolcd oy any of tho cnemy*s trcachcrous proYOcatlons.

Bo on the alert for false. orders whlch mlght be tesucd

by the enemy,    J



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