
and ix>jLitic<u 'iLttltuuc towarda 1 oland, to tlie tm^edies throufp which the •'‘olish n tlo& hae pfizr/i&i to that natlotua hrroio 8 wid ani to the grea>,'rutu.rr which OUfht te j« Polanej lot*    X

Jfafl pnragrapha in Churchill’a Tuoadoy a speech włiioh wr« deweteu to PolJ.nć. wre inapired by bnalc friendohip for t)w I^oliah Ba JLon - a iTiexxlnhip aladrig towarda •ainbliehln,;* a stroni a**1 independent l^land aa "oue of the lendintf powers ln iSurope", The i riae Uiniaterla llnore ruid undoubtod aerir* to pn>fc«ct i^oland fron the great new danger threatening her en\ to o pen \*aya for her towarda unliatted lnie..on ant ezlstenoe mw aiso evident flora fchose pumunpha#

The principia of real inuependersce for the -oliah.statc la undoubtedly & definite principia of Brltiah polioy ani of that polioy o ohief stecrannn, On tł* other han&0 aa far aa the rcys towarus seourln£ ł olaikl1 a aotunl ixvłtpA*ient eartatenue are oonoerned, the a la a mnrked differance on import' nt pointa bettraaa Churełiill ćtfjd tha rltlah bovemacnt on the ona hond and the Tolish Corerment on tire otherf The aeeertion of thia truth ia i«łinful for cvery Polej nevertheleea it owwot be ooncoaled ^ Firat of. *11 Churahiii declared hintoricn    the flritiah v±ew on tłK

queetion oX the Poliah enatom frontier was ex?forsr>ed in 1919 in tha ^ur*a*"L±ne nnd thnt rfctiah polio:/ hnd never ezpreseed ^ifeeiyent dth tha oocupatioo o^TLino by the ^olatiin 1920,

-/hila speakiiy ol* the paat* the foliowi 11.7 f«ota aho ud be str.tedt Ahe Kaaoluti^o paseed by the Supremę Ooonsix of Ailied lowera on Deo. fith, 1919 oonocraing tne te»-pornry eoatern frontier did not deal nt all with the territory of the Goliuia ol* that ti/je; it bepm at the -point froca whtre the forraer łfwhd ffua inn and -uatro-yun^ rian frontiera hod net, ond tliua af 1 eoted only foitaer Imperial ^uaaian territorie*

the aloima whloh oirjod resenred", Troa thia it li eona r&rmatu with her

ia ^Jhuchill eauecia^ r&iae-i the leatter of lino it should be .-nentioneć th'.t in the vlino ozea the popul tlon ahows eitber an ab00lute or reiatirc i olish na *ority, '■e*

tiiir lji the.    -fcW*    a- xx*t ui fci-r^ > ,lłt    Yilno ram; a

tew»^ith.-a.    rollak aAjoetUyw 1* ntemKt- 5!^ br nentidaBrt *f~* «h«a?r tha Sad ó+kw*tkm* itort Waiff -ww to he amelmi oeer te ^lthtmni>tn and net * ariet tmjpnr

Abovt all towar the fncts that oii &vrch i^tlu 1923 the ‘^ouncil of -'ijfcwr-mlorr. took a reoolution on behalf of Gt« rrltaih# rrnce, Huly nnd Jap. n, reoofnleinc tha whoie enatem frontier of -tiland ani th t the tt.S. 1. did iha oa.e on ^prl.l 5th* 198i The Polish ełiCtem frontier waa reoo^ileed in thia wąy at a tiae when G-Ubrit^in' s forei/^n polipy \ma /oiideci by Lord °urxon hbneolf*

lliaae aie historio fauta; the’/ are not Tpllah rlocunenta bat thooe of leadin* allied authorir.ies* it is 011 the barie 011 t/łeae hiatorij faota and tlwiec tuiicd jdocuoenta thnt V* 2’oliah rovt* hos taktn tde t.eiTolnea . tarli of rrfiainr ti»e ao-o^illed Curzon ^dne aa the futurę Toliah-^yict frontier, The J'olioh Covt. fili łz>ld


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