s&h 065
doesu’t heroino suffieiently purified to carry away tlie waste of tho system.
To orereome au<l defeat corpulencv au active haltil of lifp shonld be eultiyated— both niental and pbysioal—and cxer<ise shonld be taken sytematically and rcgularly.
The problem of diet ran be madę a very aimple one, for instance:
Salmon, fresli lierring and trout, ham, pork iu all forins, sausages, tripe, goose, duek, eheese and ereani, potatoes, shonld be avoided, as woli as eake, muffins, oustards, pastry, sweet dislies, pnddings, (‘hoeolate. cider, liqnenrs. malt liqnors, apples. apri-eots, bananas, blaekhomes, cherries, oranges. peacbes, pears and plnms.
CofToe is less suitable tlian tea.
Toarse wbole-wbeat broad may be eaten sparingly.
Codfish, brill. fresli and cnred baddoek and sole are all riglit if boiled and eaten sparingly. Cysters are permissible.
Veal and yenison. cbieken, fowl. gronse,
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