II '


RUI. 133

70. ("»*r

2.<xT. 3/ C . do^'l-r- u ł X

Maroh 4th,1944.


At Cholera on February 6th,l»44, the Pollsh Prina Minister Monsleur Mikołajczyk oommunioated to tbe Prime lnlster l«r. Wlnston Churohill the latest instruotlons issued y the Pollsh Oovernment and the Coaunandar-ln-Chiaf of the Pollsh Armad Foroee, to tba Pollsh Underground Organlsatlon In Po land, to the effeot that;

Vhen the Red Arny enters any partloular dlstrlot ln Poland the Underground Organlsatlon la to dlaolose its identlty and meet the requireaenta of tbe Sowiet Connander ewen ln the absence of e reeunptlon of Polleh-Sowlet reletlona. Tbe looal Pollsh Mllltary Couunndar accompanled by tbe local Clvillan Underground Autborlty will aeet and deoiare to the Coaraander of the lnoomlng Soviot t.roope, that, following the instruotlons of the Pollsh Goweruuent, to ahioh they ronain falthful, they are ready to ooordlnute thelr actions ln the flght agalnst the conmon foe.

Thls aeighty deoislon taken after oonsultatlon alth tbe Pollsh Underground Organlsatlon, constltutes a further slgnal proof of goodalll on the part of the Pollsh Gowornnent.

The wery reaeon for the ebowe lnstruoU ona la to enable the Polieh Underground Poroeo to pursue on Pollah torrltory thelr flght ngalnst the ooumon enemy. It ls, therefore, both eaaentlal cmi urgont to suoure from the lnoomlng Sowiet Army fair treatment of the Pollsh Secret Array, due to lt as a regular force of e United Kation, as sell as reapeot of Its netlonal Pollsh alleglauoe and of Its oharaoter as en lntegral pert of the Pollsh Armad Foroes. To oecure also fair trsatment of ths member8 of the Polieh Clwillan Authorlty aho are nos aorklng underground on behalf of the Polieh Gowernment and ln the flrst lnstance of those aho aould oonse foraard to meat the lnoomlng Sowiet troops.

The Pollsh Gowernment ln teklng thelr deolelon reeelled ln tbe openlng paragraph of tbe preeent notę, aere aaere of the danger to ahloh the membere of the Pollsh Underground Organlsatlon and tbe unita of tbe Sooret Army a 111 be exposed at the bandę of the lnoomlng Red Arny when oerrylng out thelr Instruotlons.


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