VSV treatment promotes immune celi infiltration.

Since the generation of an efficient tumor-specific immune response is important for sustained tumor control, we characterized tumor infiltration by immune cells following VSV treatment. Using the B16 melanoma model expressing the surrogate tumor antigen gp33, we found that infection with VSV G or M mutants doubled the percentage of infiltrating immime cells while WT VSV increased their proportion by 5-fold (Fig. 2a). VSV treatment had little to no effect on the proportions of CD4 T cells, B cells, natural killer (NK) cells, neutrophils or macrophages (Fig. 2b). However, each VSV treatment decreased the proportion of intratumoral regulatory T cells. We also found a dramatic decrease in the numbers of intratumoral dendritic cells following infection. Furthermore, VSV treatment slightly

. Nevertheless, the main difference was with treatment with WT, Gó and Gór tly increased the CD8/CD4 ratio in the une celi infiltration in the tumor and G


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