Schiicking, Walther, 1875-1935.

Der Staatenverband der Haagcr Konferenzen / von Walther Schiicking. Munchcn : Duncker& Humblot, 1912. xii, 330 p.

(Has Werk vom Haag / hrsg. von Walther Schiicking; 1. Bd.)

4 microfiche Order no. 1LM-4317

Schuster, Ernest Joseph, 1850-1924.

Dr. Mcycr's bills ofcxchangc draft codę from an English point of vicw : rcad at the Guildhall on Friday August 5th, 1910 at a conferencc of the International Law Association / by Ernest J. Schuster.

London : R. Flint, 1910.

15    p.

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4796

Schweizer Komitee fur Vorbereitung des Vdlkerbundes.

Vor-Entvvurf mit Erlautcrung fur eine Vcrlassung des Welt-Volkerbundes / vcróffcntlicht vom Schweizer Komitee fur Vorbereitung des Vólkerbundes, Bern.

Bern : Vcr)ag Paul Haupt, 1918.

88 p.

I microllchc Order no. ILM-4573

Die Schweiz im Vdlkerbund : Mittcilungcn der Schweizer. Vereinigung fur den Vólkerbund.

Wcinlcldcn : A.-G Neuenschwandefsche Buchdr. und Vcrlagsbuchh., [ -1925]

3 v.

-3. Jahrg., Nr. I2(Dcz. 1925)

Filmed: Jahrg. 1-3 (1923-1925):[Lacks Jahrg. I :Nr. 11

Continuedby: Der Vdlkcrbund

3 microfiche Order no. ILM-48I8

Scott, James Armstrong.

The Christian nations and the Haguc / by James Armstrong Scott.

(Lawrence) : Univcrsity of Kansas, (1918) 48 p.

(I lattie Elizabeth Lewis memoriał cssays in applied Christianity ... First prize ; 1918)

1    microfiche Order no. ILM-4315

Scott, James Brown, 1866-1943.

The Haguc Peacc Conferences of 1899 and

1907    : a serics of lectures dclivercd bcforc the Johns Hopkins Univcrsity in the year

1908    / by James Brown Scott.

Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1909.

2    v.

16    microfiche Order no. I1.M-4314

Scott, James Brown, 1866-1943.

James Madison's notes of debates in the Federal Convcntion of 1787 and their relation to a morę pcrfcct society of nations / by James Brown Scott.

New York : Oxford University Press, 1918.

xviii,    149 p.

2    microfiche Order no. ILM-4574

Scott, James Brown, 1866-1943.

The United States of America : a study in intcrnational organization / by James Brown Scott.

New York : Oxford University Press, 1920.

xix,    605 p.

7 microfiche Order no. 1LM-4371

Selected articles on a League of Nations /

compilcd by Edith M. Phelps.

4th cd., rcv. and enl. - New York : H.W. Wilson Company, 1919. xxxix, 362 p.

( I hc handbook serics)

5 microfiche Order no. ILM-4543

Scligman, Edwin Robert Anderson, 1861-1939.

'Hic League of Nations / by Edwin R.A. Scligman.

New York : fs.n.], 1924.

3-9 p.

1    microfiche Order no. ILM-4575

Serrano y Jover, Alfredo.

Gula dcl emigrante espanol a las rcpublicas Ibero-Amcricanas/ Alfredo Serrano y Jovcr, Fernando dc la Roda Anton.

Madrid : lmpr. dc los Hijos dc MG. Hernandez, 1909.


3    microfiche Order no. ILM-4724

Sheppard, Morris, 1875-1941.

The work of the League of Nations : speech of I lon. Morris Sheppard ofTcxas in the Scnatc of the United States, Wcdncsday, Octobcr 5, 1921.

Washington : |G.P.O.| 1921.

158 p.

2    microfiche Order no. ILM-4576

Sichermann, Bernat, 1860-

Thc unification of the Iaws concerning

cheques/ by Bernat Sichermann.

(S.l. :s.n., I9I0?|

18 p.

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4798

Sienra Carranza, Jose Manuel, 1843-1925.

Cuestioncs amcricanas, nucvos capitulos : cxamcn dc una fórmula de cordialidad entre ambas Amćricas / Josć Sienra Carranza. Ligugć : lmpr. de E. Aubin, 1912.

2 pages of lcavcs, 154 p., I leaf.

2 microfiche Order no. 1LM-43I9

Srnuts, Jan Christiaan, 1870-1950.

The League of Nations : a practical suggestion / by J.C. Srnuts.

New York : I hc Nation Press, 1919.

64 p.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-4578

La Socićtć des Nations : ce qu'cllc est, cc qu'ellc a fait.

Paris : Ed. de la "Scction feminine" pour la "Socićtć des Nations", 119227]


I microfiche Order no. ILM-4579

Soderini, Eduardo, contc, 1853-1934. Arbitrati c mediazioni papali /Edoardo Soderini.

Roma : Tip. A. Befani, 1885.

32 p.

1    microfiche Order no. ILM-474I

Sorel, Albert, 1842-1906.

Histoirc diplomatiquc dc la guerre franco-allemandc / par Albert Sorel.

Paris : E. Plon et Cic, 1875.

2    v.

10 microfiche Order no. ILM-4670

Sottochiesa, Gino, 1893-

La Societa delle Nazioni / Gino Sottochiesa.

Pisa : Tip. ed. cav. Mariotti, 1919.

38 p.

(Quadcrni nazionali; 6°, fcbbraio 1919)

1    microfiche Order no. 1LM-4582

Soullier, Robert-Louis.

La Socićtć des Nations : son organisation, ses caracteres, son ocuvrc gćnćralc, son role dans Ic maintien dc la paix / prćsentćc par Robert-Louis Soullier.

Toulouse : lmpr. we Bonnct, 1924.

190 p.

2    microfiche Order no. ILM-4583

Spain. Cortcs. Congrcso dc los Diputados. Antologia de las Corles de 1820 / Congrcso de los Diputados ; arrcglada por Cristóbal dc Castro.

Madrid : Estab. tip. Hijos de J.A. Garda, 1910.

xxiii, 572, [3] p.

7 microfiche Order no. 1LM-4663



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