HIJL Harvard International Law Journal
ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly
JOCE Journal officiel des communautes europeennes
JDI Journal du droit intemational
JIL Journal of Intemational Law
JMM Journal de la marinę marchande
JMLC Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce
Michigan Jl.IL Michigan Journal of Intemational Law
MP Marinę Policy
NYIL Netherlands Yearbook of Intemational Law
NJIL Nordic Journal of Intemational Law
ODIL Ocean Development and Intemational Law
RGDIP Revue generale de droit intemational public
RBDI Revue belge de droit intemational
RCADI Recueil des cours de Tacademie de droit intemational
RQD1 Revue quebecoise de droit intemational
RTNU Recueil des traites des Nations unieś
RHDI Revue hellćniąue de droit intemational
RDISDP Revue de droit intemational de Sciences diplomatiąues et politiques IA Intemational Affairs
IJMCL Intemational Journal of Marinę and Costal Law
Int'l Trib. L. Sea Y.B Intemational Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Yearbook
Int'l Org. & L. Sca International Organizations and the Law of the Sea
ILM Intemational Legał Materials
ILR Intemational Law Reports
VJIL Virginia Journal of Intemational Law
YBICJ Yearbook of the Intemational Court of Justice
YBUN Yearbook of the United Nations
YJIL Yale Journal of Intemational Law
SIMLY Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law Yearbook
ZEE Zonę Economique Exclusive ZPP Zonę de peche protegee.